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幼兒的弱勢與教保人員的相對強勢,「準則」可以讓幫助教保人員了解自己的倫理義務,拒絕各種不良的誘惑,並能更加明智地處理各種倫理兩難問題。 處理對象的多樣性 ,必須透過準則列出優先順序。 角色的多元性 ,透過專業倫理準則,幫助教保人員在多園的角色中建立一個平衡與和諧角色的扮演。 倫理兩難問題中的衝突是核心價值之間的衝突 它必須在兩個或數個相抵觸的選項中做出選擇。 複雜度高, 處理倫理兩難問題不像一般倫理問題做一個簡單的選擇, ,或依靠事實就可以解決的。 價值觀:個體認為重要值得遵循的信念, 並以此信念評價自己、 他人以及生活的環境的人、 事、 物。 Values. Qualities or principles that individuals believe to be desirable or worthwhile and that they prize for themselves, for others, and for the world in which they live. 核心價值觀:個體對自己專業領域的承諾,此專業團體成員熟悉並共同遵守的承諾,遵守這些承諾能對社會做出貢獻。專業核心價值觀有別於個人價值觀。 Core Values. Commitments held by a profession that are consciously and knowingly embraced by its practitioners because they make a contribution to society. There is a difference between personal values and the core values of a profession. 道德:人們以自己的信念判斷人事物的好壞與對錯, 並以此信念規範自己的責任、 以及自己的行為表現。 Morality. Peoples’ views of what is good, right, and proper; their beliefs about their obligations; and their ideas about how they should behave. 倫理學:一項專門研究「是與非」 、 「責任與義務」的學問,研究內容涉及對道德的批判省思、以及面對抉擇時個體檢視價值觀與道德的關係。 Ethics. The study of right and wrong, or duty and obligation, that involves critical reflection on morality and the ability to make choices between values and the examination of the moral dimensions of relationships. 專業倫理:個體在實現專業道德承諾歷程中, 涉及道德省思進而延伸與增進在工作上個人的道德判斷能力, 以處理工作環境中是與非的情境, 以及幫助個體在工作處理面臨道德兩難的困境。 Professional Ethics. The moral commitments of a profession that involve moral reflection that extends and enhances the personal morality practitioners bring to their work, that concern actions of right and wrong in the workplace, and that help individuals resolve moral dilemmas they encounter in their work. 倫理責任: 個體有所為、有所不為的行為表現。 在倫理準則中,屬於具有明確規範的文字敘述(例如,教保人員對於無關的人士不得洩漏與幼兒或其家庭隱私有關的資料。) Ethical Responsibilities. Behaviors that one must or must not engage in. Ethical responsibilities are clear-cut and are spelled out in the Code of Ethical Conduct (for example, early childhood educators should never share confidential information about a child or family wit


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