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摘 要 经济法责任是经济法理论体系的重要组成部分,经济法责任是指经济法主体对不履行经济法义务或者不当行使经济法权利的行为所承担的否定性法律后果。法律作为一个行为规则,要求各主体在行使自己权利的同时,不得侵犯其他主体的权利,以致共同维护和促进社会、国家和个人三者之间的协调发展。对应当维护的权利加以认定和规定,并以法律上的责任制度作为保障手段,这就是法的责任价值的根本所在。经济法责任研究的难点在于责任的设立原则、类型分析和责任实现上。在本文中,笔者从全局法学的视角,着重解决经济法责任的类型和实现路径等问题,力求破解难题。 本文共分四部分撰写。第一部分,阐述经济法责任的定义,以及从具有直接的社会公益性、在形式上具有明显的复合性、具有不对等性和不均衡性、在功能上具有双重性—补偿性和惩罚性等四个方面来阐述经济法责任的特征;第二部分,从没有独立的经济法责任形式、监管主体的经济法责任不容易落实、缺乏提起诉讼的主体、没有独立的司法和执法机构等四个方面来探讨我国现行经济法责任制度存在的问题;第三部分,就我国现行经济法责任制度存在的问题,从立法完善、司法完善、执法完善等三个方面来完善我国现行经济法责任制度;第四部分,针对上述内容做一个总结。 【关键词】经济法责任 特征 制度缺陷 完善路径 Abstract Law responsibility is an important component of economic law system.Economic law responsibility is the negative legal consequences that the subject of the economic law do not carry out economic law obligations or improper behavior of economic rights. As a behavior rule, the law requires each subject to exercise his rights,in the meanwhile, shall not be infringed upon the rights of other actors,working together to safeguard and promote social, the relations between national and personal coordinated development Rights that should be identified and maintenance requirements, and legal liability system as a means of support, which is the responsibility of the value of law lies. This article falls into four parts: the first part, it describes the definition and characters of economic law responsibility,such as the direct social benefits,the obvious compound in terms of form,the unequlity and unbalance, the duality-compensatory and punitive on the function. The second part, it discuss the problems of our current economic law responsibility in our system,such as without independent economic law responsibility form,economic law responsibility of the main supervision body is not easy to implement, lack of main body subjecting to lawsuit,without independent judicial and law enforcement agencies. The third part,it discuss the method to improve the current economic law responsibility system,such as the improvement of legislat


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