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利用 Web 网络开发技术构建网上考试系统 沈建荣 (苏州大学,苏州 215143) 摘 要: 网上考试系统应用了先进的面向对象开发方法、基于 B/S (浏览器/服务器) 结构和面向对象接口技术编程。客户端可以通过浏览器访问系统,实现任务的下达、提交考核成绩的统计、人员权限的分配等功能。针对系统的功能和性能需求,采用了 ASP.NET 技术。通过 ASP.NET 结合 HTML 网页、ASP.NET 指令和 ActiveX 元件,建立动态、交互并且高效的 Web 服务器应用程序。 关键词: 网上考试系统; Web; B/S 架构 Using the Develop of the Web Technology to Build the Online Exam System SHEN Jianrong (Soochow University , Suzhou 215143) Abstract: With the rapid development of the computer network technology and information technology, the database technologyapplication in the Internet become more and more widely, and played a pivotal role. Personalized Web page has become the trend of todays Web applications. As a construction site, it is based on data rule personalized page and dynamic data generation methods, and has been used in some programs, compared with users using a simple, clear, reflecting the user more obviously practical advantages. Online examination system adopted in application of advanced object-oriented development method, that it is based on B / S (Browser / Server) structure and object -oriented programming interface technology. Clients can access the system through the browser to achieve the task assigned, submit test results of the statistics, the distribution of authority staff and other functions. The function requirements for the system and performance requirements, using the ASP.NET technology. HTML pages can be combined by ASP.NET, ASP.NET directives and ActiveX components to create dynamic, interactive and efficient Web server applications. Key words: Online examination system ; Web ; B/S architecture 1 背景 为贯彻落实“以人为本,公平竞争”指导思想,强化竞争激励机制,推进学校工作的科学化、制度化、规范化,充分调动各级部门和广大干部职工的积极性、创造性,进一步转变工作作风,努力提高工作效率,确保政令畅通和各项任务的圆满完成。从而运用本系统通过目标考核的原理,构建网上考试系统。 本系统紧密结合考试工作实际,划细指标,完善标准,探索实行工作量化和质量考核两位一体的业务工作目标考核办法,进一步优化业务工作考核指标体系,均衡岗位间工作 考核力度,搭建起各岗位间公平竞争的平台,促进人员素质和整体管理服务水平的不断提高。要引进先进的管理理念来提高考核的质量和效率,提高干部队伍素质。如何与时俱进, 培养和造就一支思想好、业务精、纪律严、作风硬的干部队伍,促进考核质量和效率的提高,已成为摆在各级部门面前的重要课题。目标考核管理作为现代公共管理学的重要内容 之一,是企业管理中的一种管理理念和


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