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Speech for the lesson Good afternoon, everyone. It’s my pleasure to share my lesson here. I’m going to talk about Unit 7 of Book 2--- So much to do before we travel. Listening and speaking part. I’ll talk about my lesson from five parts: Part One Analysis of the students The students are in Grade One and major in tourism. Although they are active in thinking and participation, their English level are low and different. And most of the students are interested in major related knowledge. Part Two Analysis of the Teaching Materials I. content of the teaching material This lesson is the first period of unit 7. The topic is about travel. It is related to students’ major and helpful to inspire their learning interests. By learning this lesson, students are supposed to manage the expressions of things to take before travel and talk about travel plan II. Teaching objectives 1.????? Knowledge objectives ⑴ master key vocabulary about places and objects ⑵master sentence structures about giving suggestions and answering 2. Ability objectives ⑴ be able to understand the dialogues about travel plan while listening ⑵ be able to talk about travel plan using learned expressions 3. Emotion objectives Loving traveling and know more about nature. III. Teaching focus and difficulties 1. Teaching focus ⑴ Master expressions about giving suggestions ⑵ Understand the dialogues about travel plan while listening ⑶ Use related expressions to talk about travel plan 2. Teaching difficulties Use related vocabulary and sentence structures to talk about travel plan Part Two The Teaching and learning strategies I. Teaching methods In this lesson, two teaching methods are used: situational teaching method and task based teaching method. Ask about students’ holiday plans and travel plans by referring to the Labor Day. Suppose students will be a tour guide, let them make a travel plan to attract more tourists. These two activities create real situations. By finishing some tasks, let stud


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