
台湾大学 普通心理学5 感觉与知觉hue_genpsy_sensation_and_perception_1.ppt

台湾大学 普通心理学5 感觉与知觉hue_genpsy_sensation_and_perception_1.ppt

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台湾大学 普通心理学5 感觉与知觉hue_genpsy_sensation_and_perception_1

对抗历程理论 Hering的理论也可以解释色盲的现象。 因为处理颜色的管道是一组一组的「对抗系统」,所以色盲不能区辨的颜色总是一组一组配对的。 Hering的理论也有生理上的证明。例如,研究显示,网膜上的神经节细胞以不同的方式结合三种锥状体所输出的讯息;而其结合方式与Hering的对抗理论所说的相当吻合(R. DeValois Jacobs, 1968)。 结合后的节细胞小组,某些会被红光所激发,绿光抑制;另一些则被绿光所激发,红光抑制。也就是说,这两种组合的神经节细胞会形成「红绿对抗」历程的生理基础。 研究也发现其它的神经节细胞,它们以不同的方式组合三种锥状体所输出的讯息,而形成「蓝黄」和「黑白」颜色的处理管道。 两阶段理论 为了确定那一个理论是正确的,科学家们争辩了很多年。最后才了解这两个理论其实并没有冲突;在整个颜色的讯息处理历程中,这两个理论描述的是不同的阶段。 右图是一个「两阶段」理论的图释,说明这个看法。 痛觉 国立台湾大学心理系 胡志伟 一个澳洲的研究 The Epidemiology of Pain: An Australian Study: The Results of a Telephone Survey in Brisbane (1987) Simon L Strauss, Fiona H Guthrie, and Fred Nicolosi. 这些研究者随机从Brisbane电话簿中抽取265个家庭进行电话访谈,发现了下述结果。 /100089.php 10/20/2006下载 一个澳洲的研究 thepain prevalence rate for householdswas 355 per 1000 head of population - the pain prevalence rate for households in the two weeks preceding the survey was 3 17 per 1000 head of population. - theindividual pain prevalence ratewas 191 per 1000 head of population - the individual pain prevalence rate in the two weeks preceding the survey was 164 per 1000 head of population - as household size increased in the sample the pain prevalence rate decreased - as age increases the pain prevalence rate increases. -Females have higher pain prevalence rates than males over all age 80ups. 一个澳洲的研究 the majority of respondents reported suffering fromback pain - the majority of respondents described their pain as discomforting (the second point of a five point scale based on the McGill Pain Questionnaire) - the cause of pain for the majority of respondents was of unknown or spontaneous origin - the majority of respondents had suffered from pain forthree years or more. - the pain is generally experienced eithercontinuously or on a daily basis. - of those reporting pain, 86% had experienced this pain in thelast two weeks - the majority of respondents (70%) visited a health professional for treatment. This health professional was a doctor in 80% of cases. - respondents undertaking self-treatment or no treat


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