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白术 枳实 玫瑰花挥发油- -环糊精包合物的制备工艺研究 罗国平 安彩贤 西安交通大学药学院 陕西 西安 710061 [摘要] 目的 确定白术 枳实 玫瑰花挥发油- -环糊精包合物的最佳包合工艺 方法 采用正 交试验法 对挥发油与 -环糊精的包合进行 3 因素 3 水平考察 结果 挥发油与 -CD 投料比为 1 9 -CD 与加水量的比为 9 100 倍 包合时间为 4h 包合率为 85.3% 结论 用此法得到的挥发油- - 环糊精包合物的包合率较高 包合物性质稳定 而且包合操作简单 [关键词] -环糊精包合物 白术 枳实 玫瑰花挥发油 正交试验 Studies on the Preparation of Baizhu, Zhishi and Meiguihua on Volatile Oil- -Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex LUO Guo-ping, AN Cai-xian (College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shanxi Province, 710061) Abstract : Objective: To determine the best preparation technology of -cyclodextrin inclusion compound for volatile oil of baizhu, zhishi and meiguihua. Methods: Orthogonal test was employeed. Conditions for the preparation of volatile oil- -cyclodextrin inclusion complex were studied by 3 factors and 3 levels uniform design. Results: The proportion of volatile oil and -cyclodextrin was 1 6, The proportion of -cyclodextrin and water is 9 100 inclusion time was 1h, inclusion rate is 85.3%. Conclusions: Inclusion rate of volatile oil- -cyclodextrin inclusion complex with this method is high, the character of inclusion complex is stabilization and the inclusion manipulation is simple. Keywords : -cyclodextrin inclusion compound; the volatile oil of baizhu, zhishi and meiguihua; Orthogonal test 白术(rhizome atractylodis macrocephalae)为菊科植物白术的干燥根茎 性温 味甘 苦[1] 能补气 健脾 燥湿利水 止汗安胎 是常用的补气药 中药枳实(Fructus aurantii immaturus)为芸香科植物酸橙 及其变种或甜橙的干燥幼果 具有补脾 益胃 燥湿 和中的功效[2] 玫瑰(Rose)属蔷薇科植物 玫瑰 花具有行气解郁 疏肝和胃 疏肝理气 和血散淤等功效 上述三


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