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Proceedings of the 25 Chinese Control Conference
7-11 August, 2006, Harbin, Heilongjiang
E-mail: shsen@163.com
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A Decision Model for Transformer Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance Based on
Rough Set and Fuzzy Set and Bayesian Optimal Classifier
Hongsheng Su
School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070
E-mail: shsen@163.com
Abstract: Based on Bayesian optimal classifier, combining with rough set and fuzzy set, a new transformer fault
diagnosis and maintenance mode is presented in the paper. In this method fuzzy membership function of the observed
information are used to establish posterior probability of primary assumptions in Bayesian optimal classifier, the
classified result based on each fault information is for that worked out, the optimal diagnosis result is acquired after all
these results are weighted average. Then based on rough model of Bayesian risk decision, the diagnosis results of all fault
information are identified to constitute possible maintenance strategies. Actual application shows that the proposed
method can deal with the “bottle neck” of fuzzy knowledge acquisition in Bayesian optimal classifier and possesses
stronger learning abilities, and is an effective transformer fault diagnosis and maintenance method.
Key Words: Bayesian optimal classifier, fuzzy information processing, rough set, fault diagnosis
1 (Introduction)
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