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第25 卷 第2 期 岩石力学与工程学报 Vol.25 No.2 2006 年2 月 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Feb. 2006 边坡柔性加固系统设计计算原理与方法边坡柔性加固系统设计计算原理与方法 边坡柔性加固系统设计计算原理与方法边坡柔性加固系统设计计算原理与方法 (布鲁克(成都)工程有限公司 四川 成都 611731) 摘要摘要 根据边坡柔性主动加固系统的作用模式和莫尔–库仑破坏准则 极限平衡原理 修正并完善了以高强度钢 摘要摘要 丝格栅和锚杆所构成的GTC 型边坡柔性主动加固系统的作用原理 建立了系统的安全性检算条件和承载能力指标 的确定方法 提出了不同条件下锚杆锚固力要求的确定方法 从而完善了系统的设计计算原理和方法体系 关键词关键词 边坡工程 边坡加固 柔性防护系统 高强度钢丝格栅 作用原理 设计方法 关键词关键词 中图分类号中图分类号 P 642.22 文献标识码文献标识码 A 文章编号文章编号 1000 –6915(2006)02 –0217 –09 中图分类号中图分类号 文献标识码文献标识码 文章编号文章编号 CONCEPTS AND METHOD OF SLOPE FLEXIBLE STABILIZATION SYSTEM YANG You-kui (Geobrugg Chengdu Co. Ltd. Chengdu Sichuan 611731 China) Abstract There are some obvious errors and incompleteness in the existing(available) dimensioning concept of GTC flexible slope stabilization systems made of high-strength steel wire mesh in combination with anchor bolt. First the forces on the mesh resulting from partial instabilities are treated as two independent forces that can′t be mathematically determined because only one equilibrium equation for them can be formulated. One of the two forces has to be artificially assumed. Second the longitudinal tensile force of the mesh is assumed as only transmitting to the upper nail that is the ability of the GTC flexible system transmitting force all around is neglected. The force concentration degree of the mesh at the upper nail is overestimated and the dimensioning results are too conservative. Third the ex


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