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Do you remember him? As is known to us,he was called Ma Jiajue, who killed four dormitory schoolmate. The testament of Ma Jiajue 马加爵的遗书 ◆What pain, what trouble, and what a hard life I can endure. ◆Others despise me. I can tolerate discrimination. ◆But several slightly better classmates of mine, actually so ruthlessly trample and torn my dignity. ◆Originally each person has long been such a discrimination against me. ◆ They cruelly laugh at me. ◆ In fact, I admit I am a sensible person ◆I think back and forth to myself for a very long time to decide to do so. ◆ It Is not a momentary impulse 什么苦楚 什么贫苦 什么艰辛的生活 我可以忍受 其他人歧视蔑视我 我也可以忍受 可是我这几个平时稍微好点的同学 竟然 这样残酷无情的践踏、蹂躏我的人格尊严 原来每个人长期以来一直这样 凶悍的歧视我 残忍的嘲笑我 其实我承认我还是一个理智的人 我思前想后很长时间才会决定这样做的 决不是一时的冲动 From this tragedy, we are deeply aware of and between the importance of dormitory schoolmate get along . 在宿舍里大家朝夕相处,关系也在随时发生微妙的变化,这是很正常的事情。关系太紧密有时也会容易受伤,关系太疏远又会感到孤独无助。故恰到好处地与室友保持一点心灵距离,对人对己都有好处。有一句话说得好:“如果感到自己受了伤害,那并不是别人伤害了我们,而是自己的愿望伤害了自己。”比如,我希望某个人喜欢我,但实际上他却对我不好,我就会感到受了伤害。如果一个我不在乎的人,对于他对我的态度,我没有任何期待,所以无论他怎么对我,都不会跟我的希望发生冲突,所以我也不会受到他的伤害。既然伤害都是由于自己的愿望造成的,那我们减少受伤害的方法之一就是把对别人的希望降低到最低点。你能不能做到呢?把希望更多地寄托在自己身上,改变自己,调整看人的心态和行为,宿舍关系就会容易相处了。 In the dormitory, we be together morning and night, relations are ready to have the subtle change, this is very normal thing. Too close sometimes easily hurt, too distant and will feel lonely and helpless. Therefore, be just perfect with a roommate to keep a little distance, is good for people to oneself. There is a famous saying: if you feel hurt, it does not hurt our people, but their desire to hurt myself. For example, I hope someone like me, but in fact he is not good for me, I will feel hurt. If one person I do not care, for his attitude to me, I did not know what to expect, so no matter what he did to me, and I hope will not conflict, so I wont be his injury. Since the damage was due to their desire to cause, that we reduce the hurt is one method that is the hope of others reduced to


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