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精品论文 参考文献 紫杉醇联合卡铂方案化疗的护理体会 (成都市第五人民医院肿瘤科 四川 成都 611130)   【摘要】 目的:观察紫杉醇联合卡铂方案化疗的急性和亚急性毒副反应,探讨减轻化疗毒副反应,提高化疗护理质量的心得体会。方法:经病理或细胞学诊断的240例恶性肿瘤患者,化疗前均由高年资专科护士行深静脉穿刺置管,口服地塞米松预防过敏,化疗中安置心电监护仪,观察患者的生命体征,及急性和亚急性毒副反应,化疗后随访患者,观察其长期毒副反应。结果:主要急性和亚急性毒副反应为胃肠道反应,占71.87%,其中Ⅰ~Ⅱ度恶心、呕吐22例,Ⅲ度1例;亚急性毒副反应为骨髓抑制占81.25%,其中Ⅰ~Ⅱ度25例,Ⅲ度1例;其脱发238例,发生率100%,均为Ⅰ~Ⅱ度;神经血管毒性21例占65.62%,所有病例均无过敏反应发生。结论:化疗前、化疗期间及化疗后期的有效护理可以明显减轻化疗毒副反应、减少患者痛苦,提高患者治疗的依从性。   【关键词】 紫杉醇;卡铂;急性和亚急性毒副反应;护理   【中图分类号】R473 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-1752(2016)29-0320-02   Oservation and nursing for chemotherapy toxicity of combined paclitaxel and carboplatin Cheng yuxiang   Department of Oncology,the Fifth Hospital of Chengdu City,Chengdu 611130, China   【Abstract】Objective To observation the acute and sub acute toxicity of paclitaxel and carboplatin , discusses how to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and improve the quality of chemotherapy nursing experience.Methods 240 malignant tumor patients diagnosis by pathological or cytological, to take deep vein catheterization by high qualification nurses, oral administration of dexamethasone for prevention of allergies, ECG monitor, observe acute and subacute toxicity, long-term toxicity. Results There were 26 patientswith m arrow suppress,which accounted for81.25% ,While blood celldecreasedⅠ~Ⅱdegree in 25 cases,Ⅲ degree,1 case.Stomach and intestines response in 23 cases, accounted for 71.87%,am ong these,disgusting and vom its Ⅰ~Ⅱ 22 cases, Ⅲ case.Alopecie 32 cases,incidence rates 100% ,all were Ⅰ~Ⅱ,The nerve blood vessel toxicity 21cases accountfor65.62% ,mainly was sore for the whole body muscle,joint pain,limbs were numb,Skin had the feeling of needle puncture.Liver function dam agee in 1 case,account for 3.127% .N on- allergic reaction occurred.Conclusion Effective nursing can significantly reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, reduce the pain of patients, improve the treatment compliance of patients.   【Key words】Paclitaxeland Carboplatin


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