
半导体材料与器件(林仕伟)第三讲 半导体器件制备基础.pptVIP

半导体材料与器件(林仕伟)第三讲 半导体器件制备基础.ppt

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Chapter 3 Basics of Device Fabrication 器件制备基础 Fabrication process 硅器件的制备工艺 Cleanroom 超净间 * 硅器件的制备工艺:氧化、扩散、离子注入、光刻、薄膜淀积 PN结二极管的制备 制备过程一 —— Oxidation 氧化 This is the standard reaction for thin oxides. Oxide growth is rather slow and easily controllable. To give an example: Growing 700 nm oxide at 1000 oC would take about 60 hr - far too long for efficient processing. But 7nm take only about 15 min - and that is now too short for precise control; you would want to lower the temperature. Dry oxidation Wet oxidation The growth kinetics are about 10x faster than for dry oxidations; this is the process used for the thick field oxides. Growing 700 nm oxide at 1000 oC now takes about 1.5 hr - still pretty long but tolerable. Thin oxides are never made this way. 制备过程一 —— Oxidation 氧化 制备过程一 —— Oxidation 氧化 For short times or thin oxide thicknesses (about 30 nm), a linear law is found In this case the limiting factor is the rate at which O can be incorporated into the Si - SiO2 interface. This becomes more difficult for thick oxides, the reaction after some time of oxide formation is always diffusion limited. The thickness dox of the growing oxide in this case follow a general square root law, i.e. it is proportional to the diffusion length L = (Dt)1/2 (D = diffusion coefficient of the oxygen carrying species in SiO2; t = time). We thus have a general relation of the form . 制备过程二:Diffusion 扩散 ——对半导体进行掺杂的方法 predeposition 预淀积 drive-in 再分布 制备过程二:Diffusion 扩散 ——对半导体进行掺杂的方法 T1=1000oC T2=1200oC 制备过程三:Ion implatation 离子注入 ——对半导体进行掺杂的另一种方法(浅结、低温、精确) 制备过程三:Ion implatation 离子注入 ——对半导体进行掺杂的另一种方法(浅结、低温、精确) 注入离子的浓度分布: 高斯分布函数,Rp是平均值,△Rp是分布函数的标准偏差。 离子注入 vs 扩散 的 优势: 室温注入,低温退火(600oC) 横向扩散小 精确控制杂质浓度 制备过程四:Lithography 光刻 甩胶 曝光 显影 腐蚀 制备过程四:Lithography 光刻 制备过程五:Thin-film deposition 薄膜淀积 Silicon Substrate Cu SiO2 Inductor Capacitor Resistor 制备过程五:Thin-film deposition 薄膜淀积 制备过程五:Thin-film deposition 薄膜淀积 ——Evaporation 蒸发 热蒸发 制备过程五:Thin-film deposition 薄膜淀积 ——Sputtering 溅射 溅射



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