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精品论文 参考文献 老年急性腹痛患者的临床诊治分析 南华大学附属第二医院 湖南衡阳 421001 【摘 要】目的 探讨急诊内科老年急性腹痛的患者的临床诊治情况。方法 随机选取2013年9月至2015年6月因急性腹痛就诊于我院急诊内科进行治疗的患者200例为研究对象,随机分为实验组115例老年患者(年龄&ge;60岁),对照组85例中青年患者(年龄&le;50岁),观察记录两组患者疾病分类特点及诊治情况,并对结果进行统计学分析。结果 实验组中急性腹痛的诱因主要为泌尿系统疾病,其次为消化系统疾病;对照组中急性腹痛的诱因主要为消化系统疾病。实验组的循环系统疾病发病率明显高于对照组,且P<0.05。经治疗后,实验组的总有效率为88.69%,对照组的有效率为95.29%,且P<0.05;误诊漏诊率,老年组为6.96%,中青年组为1.18%,且P<0.05。结论 对于老年人来说,其急性病痛的发病原因比较多样,其发病状况无任何典型性。确诊比较困难。极容易出现误诊和漏诊的现象。而且老年人的治愈效率要明显低于中青年组,对于患者的诊疗王作来说,需要采用先进的检测设备,同时对患者的生命体征进行观察和分析。 【关键词】老年:急性腹痛;急诊;临床诊治;分析 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and treatment of acute abdominal pain in elderly patients. Methods randomly selected from September 2013 to June 2015 due to acute abdominal pain in our hospital emergency internal medicine for treatment of 200 patients as the research object,randomly divided into experimental group of 115 cases of elderly patients(aged 60 years),the control group of 85 cases of young patients(aged 50 years),observation records classification diagnosis and treatment of patients in the two groups the disease,and the results were statistically analyzed. Results the main cause of acute abdominal pain in the experimental group was urinary system diseases,followed by the digestive system diseases,and the main cause of acute abdominal pain in the control group was digestive system diseases. The incidence of circulatory system diseases in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group,and P<0.05. After treatment,the total effective rate was 88.69% in the experimental group,and the control group was 95.29%,and P<0.05,the misdiagnosis rate was 6.96%,and the young group was 1.18%,and P<0.05. Conclusion for the elderly,the incidence of acute illness is diverse,and the incidence of the disease is not typical. Difficult to diagnose. Very prone to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. And the cure rate of the elderly is significantly lower than that in the young group,for the


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