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Mixing Audio 35 3 Learning to mix 学习混音 An analogy can be made between the process of learning a new language and that of learning to mix. At the beginning, you start with no or very little knowledge and nothing seems to make sense. With language, you cannot understand a single sentence or even separate the words within it; just like if you play a mix to most people they will not be able to hear a reverb or compression (they simply hardly ever focused on these sonic aspects, definitely never used reverbs or compressors). After learning some individual words and when to use them, you find yourself able to identify them in a sentence; on the same basis, you start learning how to use compressors and reverbs, and you start hearing these in mixes. To pronounce a new word can be hard, since it is not easy to notice the subtle pronunciation differences of a new language, but after hearing and repeating a word for 20 times, you get it right; likewise, after compressing 20 vocal tracks, you start hearing degrees of compression and you can tell which compression suits the best. Then, you learn grammar which enables you to connects all the words together and construct a coherent sentence; this reminds the point when all your mixing techniques help you to craft a mix as a whole. Finally, since in a conversation there is more than one sentence, the richer your vocabulary is, and the stronger your grammar, the more sentences you are able to construct properly. In mixing, the more techniques and tools you learn and the more mixes you craft, the better your mixes become. All in all, the more you learn and practice a new language, the better you become at it. The same is for mixing. 学习混音犹如学习一门新的语言。一开始,看上去毫无办法。在学语言时,你 可能对其中的任何一句话甚至任何一个单词都不明白;这就像你把一个混音作品放 给别人听,他们根本就听不出混响或者压缩(他们甚至根本没听说过这些音响术语, 更别提使用混响器或者压缩器了)。在学过一些独立的单词并使用它们的时候,你 会发现你能够在句子中辨认出它们;同样的道理,当你开始学习怎样使


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