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Mixing Audio 164 Part II 第二部分 Tools 设备 All tools are as good as the person who uses them. 使用设备的人越出色,设备的性能也就发挥得越出色。 Mixing Audio 165 7 Monitoring 监听 Studio loudspeakers are called monitors. This chapter opens this part of the book for a good reason – an accurate monitoring environment is an absolute mixing requisite, and should be high up in budget planning for every studio, whether home or professional. The main conclusion of this chapter is worth revealing already – the monitors alone do not dictate the overall quality of the monitoring environment; it is the monitors, their position, the listener position and the acoustic properties of the room that lump into monitoring performance. Having great monitors badly positioned in a problematic room is like having a Ferrari that only goes up to second gear. 录音棚内的扬声器被称为监听扬声器(Monitors)。以这一章作为本书第二部 分的开篇是有充足理由的——混音必然要求一个准确的监听环境,无论是建造家庭 录音室还是专业录音棚,对于监听环境的投资都应该位于预算列表中最重要的位罝。 这一章的结论很有价值,而且能够给我们以启示——监听扬声器本身并不能体现监 听环境的质量,真正能够决定监听效果的是监听扬声器、它们的摆放位置、监听者 的位置以及房间的声学环境这一系列因素的组合。即使监听扬声器质量很好,但如 果摆放位置很糟,而且房间在声学特性上有缺陷,那么是不可能得到好的监听质量 的,这就好比是一辆法拉利跑车,但变速箱却只有两档一样。 7.1 How did we get here? 监听扬声器是如何发展到当前状态的? 7.1.1 Sound reproduction 声音重放 In order to reproduce sound, loudspeaker drivers displace air in respect to an incoming voltage that represents a waveform. There is a fundamental difference between the way low and high frequencies are reproduced. Low frequencies call for a rigid, big cone which is capable of displacing large mass of air. High frequencies, on the other hand, require a light and small diaphragm that can move rapidly. The two requirements obviously Mixing Audio


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