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Mixing Audio 128 6 Mixing domains and objectives 混音涉及的领域与目标 We can divide mixing into macromixing and micromixing. Macromixing is concerned with the overall mix, for example, its frequency balance. Micromixing is concerned with the individual treatment of each instrument, for instance, how natural the vocals sound. When we come to judge a mix we evaluate both macromixing and micromixing. For macromixing we can generalize a set of domains and objectives that should be considered. These also affect micromixing. 我们可以将混音分为宏观混音和微观混音两种。宏观混音(Macromixing) 主 要 针 对 那 些 影 响 整 个 混 音 效 果 的 元 素, 例 如 混 音 的 频 率 平 衡; 微 观 混 音 则主要针对每一个乐器声部进行单独处理,例如人声的声音听上 (Micromixing) 去是否自然。当我们判读一个混音的质量的时候,我们需要从宏观混音和微观混音 两个方面进行评价。对于宏观混音,我们可以归纳出一系列的需要加以考虑的内容 与目标。同时,这些内容与目标也会影响到微观混音。 The term stereo does not necessarily denote a two-channel system. Any system that is not monophonic can be regarded as stereophonic, for example, Dolbys 4.1 Stereo. For convenience however, throughout this book the term `stereo implies a two-channel system. 立体声(Stereo)这个术语并不一定是指双声道系统。任何不是单声道的系 统都可以被认为是立体声系统,比如说 Dolby 4.1 立体声系统。但是为了方便起见, 本书中涉及的“立体声”特指双声道立体声系统。 The process of mixing entails work on five domains (or core mix aspects): Time, frequency, level, stereo and depth . We can consider both the stereo and the depth domains to constitute a higher domain – space. We often talk about the mix as if existing in an imaginary sound stage, where Mixing Audio 129 instruments can be positioned left and right (stereo) or front and back (depth). 混音的过程必须涉及 5 个主要的领域(或称核心的方面):时间(Time)、频 率(Frequency)、电平(Level)、立体声(Stereo)和深度(Depth)。我们可 以认为立体声和深度这两个领域共同构成了另一个更宽泛的领域—— 。 空间(Space) 我们经常说混音应该能够呈


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