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Mixing Audio 98 5 Related issues 相关问题 5.1 How long does it take? 混音要花多长时间? A B-side of a commercial release can be mixed in as little as 3 hours. An albums lead single might be mixed for 6 days. Generally, for a standard release it would not seem odd to spend a day or two per song, and albums are very often mixed within approximately 3 weeks. Nirvanas Nevermind , for example, took about 14 days to mix. The complexity of the track is an obvious factor – a 24-track production that has simple structure, involving a five-piece rock band should take substantially less time than a 72-track production with many varying sections. The recording quality also plays a part – poor recordings mean that the mixing engineer spends lots of time fixing the recordings rather than creatively crafting the mix. 一张商业单曲专辑 B 面上的歌曲只用 3 个小时就可以混完。而一张专辑的主打 歌曲可能需要 6 天的时间来混音。通常情况下,对正常发行的专辑来说,其中每一 首歌曲的混音都要花一两天时间,这并不稀奇,而整张专辑通常需要差不多 3 个星 期的混音时间。例如,Nirvana 的专辑“Nevermind ”,就花了 14 天时间来混音。 混音时间的长短显然与歌曲的复杂程度有关——一首只有 24 轨、结构简单的 5 人 摇滚乐队歌曲,混音花费的时间当然要比一首有 72 轨、乐段之间变化复杂的歌曲 要长得多。前期录音的质量对混音时间的长短也有直接影响——糟糕的前期录音意 味着混音工程师要花大量的时间来做素材的修正工作,而不是去创作一个混音作品。 There is a difference between mixing in a commercial studio and mixing at home. Studio engineers are normally restricted by deadlines. But there is very little to restrict the home producer from mixing one production for a whole month, especially if the production is to become a decisive demo for a record label. The question is: what can be done in a month that cannot be done it two weeks? The answer is: a lot. Many engineers agree that mixing is an endless process – there is always something to improve, Mixing Audio 99 always a chance to spell more excitement or impact. Many say that it is all about jumping from the carousel at the right moment. 在商业录音棚里混音与在家里混音之间有很大差别。在录音棚里,


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