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Flagellar Hooks and Hook Protein FlgE Participate in Host Microbe Interactions at Immunological Level Ying Shen, Lin Chen, Meixiang Wang, Dandan Lin, Zhongjie Liang, Peiqing Song, Qing Yuan, Hua Tang, Weihua Li, Kangmin Duan, Baiyan Liu, Ge Zhao, Yiqiang Wang Figure S1. Sequence alignments of FlgE from three common species. (A) PAO1 FlgE with the two starting peptides obtained with phage display screening. The upper line showed the sequences of the two 12-aa peptides obtained in an earlier phage-display screening study, while the lower line showed the accurate locations and sequences of sites B and F in PAO1 FlgE. (B) CLUSTAL alignment of FlgE sequences of three common bacterial strains, namely PAO1 (P), S. typhi (S) and C. jejuni (C). Please note that neither site B nor F (in red boxes) is strictly conserved in FlgE sequences, indicating that the structure-activity correlation in each FlgE might be unique. (C) CLUSTAL alignment of FliC filament flagellin sequences of PAO1 (P), S. typhi (S) and C. jejuni (C). Please note that one of the proposed TLR5 recognition site (in red box) for S typhi flagellin is not strictly conserved in all flagellin sequences, indicating that the structure-activity correlation in each flagellin-TLR5 complex might be unique as well. C (FIGURE S1, continued) Figure S2. Denaturation of recombinant FlgE abolished its proinflammatory activity in mice. C57Bl/6 mice were all intranasally administered 120 μg native or denatured recombinant FlgE in a 150-μL volume. Twenty-four hours later, the animals were sacrificed by bleeding under anesthesia. Myeloperoxidase in serum was measured and, lungs were subjected to fixation and routine histological observation. Figure S3. Requirement for sites B and F for flagellar motility. PAO1 strains with alteration of site B and/or site F were constructed using the sacB-based strategy. Gross appearance (A) and motility (B) of bacteria were examined using transmission electron microscopy and agarose i


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