
power distance权利距离 国家商务谈判.ppt

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power distance权利距离 国家商务谈判

Theme:Power distence 需要演讲的成员: : What is power distance? Power distance as a characteristic of a culture defines the extent to which the less powerful person in society accepts inequality in power and considers it as normal.” —— Hoftede, 1980 中文版:权力距离的文化特征定义:在某种程度上社会最弱小的人在权利上接受不平等并且认为这是正常的。 High power distance Superior 级别高的人 subordinates 下级 1.Social hierarchy社会等级 2.Inequality 3.Centralization of power中央集权 Features(特征) of high power distance cultures ? Low power distance Low power distance countries hold that inequality in society should be minimized(最小化). Superior Subordinates = High power distance Malaysia 马来西亚 104 Guatemala 危地马拉 95 Panama  巴拿马 95 Philippines  菲律宾 94 Mexico  墨西哥 81 China 中国 80 Low power distance America 美国 40 Ireland 爱尔兰 28 New Zealand 新西兰 22 Denmark  丹麦 18 Israel  以色列 13 Austria  奥地利 11 case Denmark 丹麦 18 VS Japan 日本 54 A Japanese company wants to open up a new market in Denmark. The representative of Japan made ??a special trip to Denmark. And the representative of Denmark was late without saying anything. H:Nice to meet u. Im manager He. 你好,我是何经理 S:Nice to meet u too.Im Shen from Denmark. 你好,我是来自丹麦的沈。 H:I‘d like to get straight down to bussiness now? 我更愿意直接开始谈判吧? S:OK. 好的。 H:Here are the tow contracts we prepared.Would u please read it and put forward your opinion about the terms? 这是我们准备的两份合同,你先看看再对这个合同给我们一些 建议好吗? S:OK.I worder if the terms of delivery deadlines are reasonable for us.I need to consult my boss.So would u mind we start at the prices term frist? 好的。我不确定货物的交货日期是否合理,我需要跟我的老板商 量一下,所以你介意我们先从价格开始谈起吗? H:Wait,your boss?So u are not the manager of the company? 等等,你的老板?所以你不是贵公司的总经理? S:Yeah, today my boss...... 是的,今天我老板。。。。。。 H:Enough.Since u are not the manager of th


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