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power_distance 权利距离
Hofstede’sCultural Dimensions Power Distance Index 权利距离指数 * Power Distance Index Definition: The extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Power Distance Index It focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the countrys society. A High Power Distance ranking indicates that inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the society. These societies are more likely to follow a caste system that does not allow significant upward mobility of its citizens. A Low Power Distance ranking indicates the society de-emphasizes the differences between citizen’s power and wealth. In these societies equality and opportunity for everyone is stressed. * Features of PDI High power distance culture It’s acceptable for a supervisor to display his authority; Superiors rarely give their subordinates important work; If something goes wrong, the subordinates are usually blamed for not doing their proper job; Managers rarely interact or socialize with worker; Teachers are treated respectfully; Local politics are prone to totalitarianism; Revolutions are , were common Low power distance culture Supervisors are expected to treat employees respectfully; Subordinates may do important work, thus having the chance to get promoted quickly; If something goes wrong, the superior is usually blamed by giving unrealistic expectations or being too strict Managers socialize and interact with workers more often; Teachers are simply employees; Totalitarianism and revolutions are rare. * Distribution of PDI The Arabic-speaking nations, Latin America, Russia and nearly all of Asia, esp. India and China are high power distance. Most of Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and Israel are low power distance. Japan and Mediterranean-Europe fall in the middle range. * Thanks For Your Attention ! * * *
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