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外 汇 市 场 F fx market 迪拜债务危机爆发的原因、影响及启示 Dubai debt crisis: its causes, impacts and lessons 宗 良 钟 红 廖淑萍 李建军 王家强 作者简介 宗 良,中国银行国际金融研究所副所长 钟 红,中国银行国际金融研究所宏观研究团队主管 廖淑萍,中国银行国际金融研究所助理分析师 李建军,中国银行国际金融研究所博士后 王家强,中国银行国际金融研究所分析师 Authors Zong Liang, Deputy General Manager, Institute of International Finance, Bank of China Zhong Hong, Head of Division, Institute of International Finance, Bank of China Liao Shuping, Assistant Analyst, Institute of International Finance, Bank of China Li Jianjun, Postdoctor, Institute of International Finance, Bank of China Wang Jiaqiang, Analyst, Institute of International Finance, Bank of China 摘 要 迪拜债务危机的爆发是金融危机冲击下房地产价格大幅度下跌、资金链条断裂、工程项目停工等多重因素下的结果。欧洲银行 业在此次危机中风险敞口最大。此次事件应不会造成主权债务危机,新兴市场资金流向和美元汇率短期将受到影响,对世界经济的 长期影响有限。迪拜债务危机对中国影响较小,但其所暴露的问题值得我们借鉴。 Abstract The Dubai debt crisis has resulted from varied factors, including the Dubai housing market decline, cessation of capital flow and suspension of projects due to the global financial crisis. European banks may have the largest exposure to Dubai. The crisis is unlikely to result in sovereign debt default in Dubai. However, it will affect the direction of capital flows to emerging markets and the US dollar exchange rate in the short run, and it will have a limited impact on the world economy in the long run. China has been barely affected by the crisis, but should beware of potential risks from it. 一、迪拜债务危机情况 长国和经济中心,2008年GDP规模为824亿美元,产 2009年11月25日,迪拜政府宣布将重组旗下最 业以金融、石油贸易、货运、旅游等为主。由于阿联 大的主权投资公司迪拜世界,延迟6个月偿还其 酋70%左右的非石油贸易集中在迪拜,故迪拜被称为 即将到期的约40亿美元债务。此事引起全球金融市


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