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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Period 3: Section B 1a—2a 辽宁省锦州市教师进修学院 张丹 Do you have a basketball in the box? No, I don’t. Does Jack have a baseball bat in the box? Yes, he does. A guessing game 1. Do you have two brothers? _____________________________________________________________ 2. Do you have a soccer? _____________________________________________________________ 3. Do you have a tennis bat? _____________________________________________________________ 4. Does your friend have games? _____________________________________________________________ 5. Does the boy have a soccer? _____________________________________________________________ Lets play football after class, OK? OK. Lets play basketball after class, OK? That sounds good. Lets play ping-pong ball , OK? No, I don’t have a ping-pong bat. A: Let’s play ... B: No, I don’t have a ... A: Well, let’s play baseball. B: That sounds good. Haha! It’s fun.. Different feelings interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的 /ɪntrɪstɪŋ/ Woo, it’s interesting. Different feelings Ah, it’s relaxing. relaxing 轻松的 /rɪlæksɪŋ/ Different feelings difficult 困难的 /dɪfɪkəlt/ 968746232978³×77869856343³ = ? Haha! It’s difficult. Different feelings boring 无聊的,令人生厌的 /bɔ:rɪŋ/ Hm. It’s boring. Different feelings Match the words with the pictures. 1. interesting ____ 3. fun _____ 5. relaxing ____ 2. boring _____ 4. difficult _____ c d b, e b, e a Listen and check the description words that you hear in 1a. 1. interesting ( ) 2. boring ( ) 3. fun ( ) 4. difficult ( ) 5. relaxing ( ) √ √ √ √ Listen again. Write down what Tony says about these activities? playing computer games ___________ play volleyball ___________ watch TV ___________ play basketball ___________ interesting difficult boring fun Report Tony’s idea


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