Cypress PowerPSoC MR16 LED照明设计方案.doc

Cypress PowerPSoC MR16 LED照明设计方案.doc

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Cypress PowerPSoC MR16 LED照明设计方案

Cypress PowerPSoC MR16 LED照明设计方案   Cypress 公司的PowerPSoC集成了可编程的系统级芯片技术,业界最好的功率电子控制器和开关器件,很方便创建照明应用的功率系统级解决方案.器件内部有四个32V低边N-沟功率FET,开关频率可配置高达2MHz,1.0A时RDS(ON)为0.5欧姆,四个滞后控制器,四个低边栅极驱动器,四个精密的高边电流检测放大器,三个16位led调光调制器:PrISM, DMM, 和PWM,六个快速响应(100ns)电压比较器,六个8位参考DAC,以及处理速度高达24MHz的M8C CPU核,主要用于各种LED照明.本文介绍PowerPSoC系列主要特性,PowerPSoC架构方框图,CY8CLED04D0x逻辑方框图,以及PowerPSoC解决方案框图,带DMX-512接口的MR16 LED灯参考设计电路图和材料清单.   The PowerPSoC family incorporates programmable system-on-chip technology with the best in class power ELectronics controllers and switching devices to create easy to use power-system-on-chip solutions for lighting applications.   All PowerPSoC family devices are designed to replace traditional MCUs, system ICs, and the numerous discrete components that surround them. PowerPSoC devices feature high performance power electronics including 1 ampere 2 MHz power FETs, hysteretic controllers, current sense amplifiers, and PrISM/PWM modulators to create a complete power electronics solution for LED power management. Configurable power, analog, digital, and interconnect circuitry enables a high level of integration in a host of industrial, commercial, and consumer LED lighting applications.   This architecture integrates programmable analog and digital blocks to enable you to create customized peripheral configurations that match the requirements of each individual application. Additionally, the device includes a 24 MHz CPU, Flash program memory, SRAM data memory, and configurable I/O in a range of convenient pinouts and packages.   The PowerPSoC architecture, as illustrated in the block diagrams, comprises five main areas: PSoC core, digital system, analog system, system resources, and power peripherals, which include power FETs, hysteretic controllers, current sense amplifiers, and PrISM/PWM modulators. Configurable global busing combines all the device resources into a complete custom system. The PowerPSoC family of devices have 10-port I/Os that connect to the global digital and a


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