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基因组学与应用生物学,2010 年,第29 卷,第4 期,第761-767 页 Genomics and Applied Biology, 2010, Vol.29, No.4, 761-767 评述与展望 Review and Progress 离子束对生物体的作用原理及应用 1* 2 1 3 4 解继红 包金刚 徐柱 杨凯 尹军 1 中国农业科学院草原研究所, 呼和浩特, 010010; 2 鄂尔多斯市林工站, 鄂尔多斯, 017000; 3 内蒙古草原工作站, 呼和浩特, 010020; 4 满洲里市 市政公用事业管理局, 满洲里, 021400 * 通讯作者, xiejihong223@163.com 摘 要 离子束是指一束具有一定能量的质量数小于或等于4 的带电离子束,离子束注入技术是生物物理 技术,具有生理损伤小、突变谱广和突变频率高等特点。离子束与生物体的相互作用是我国具有独立知识产 权的生物物理技术,我国科学家在上世纪80 年代已经发现了离子束注入的生物效应,并将这一原理应用于 植物诱变育种。本文主要概述了低能离子束注入对生物体的作用原理,以及该技术在植物育种、微生物品种改 良和遗传改良上的应用,最后还小结了离子束注入技术在研究领域存在的问题并对其未来发展方向提出展望。 关键词 离子束, 生物效应, 遗传改良, 应用 The Action Principle of Organisms by Ion Beam and Their Application Xie Jihong 1* Bao Jingang 2 Xu Zhu 1 Yang Kai 3 Yin Jun 4 1 Grassland Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Huhhot, 010010; 2 Erdos Forest Project Station, Erdos, 017000; 3 Inner Mongolia Grassland Management Station, Huhhot, 010020; 4 Manzhouli Management Bureau of Munlclpal Public Utilities, Manzhouli, 021400 * Corresponding author, xiejihong223@163.com DOI: 10.3969/gab.029.000761 Abstract Ion beam means a bunch of electrically charged ion beam which has the mass number less than or equal to 4 with some energy. Ion beam implantation technique, a biophysical technology, has the characteristics of slight phys- iology injury, wide mutation spectrum, high mutation frequency and so on. The interaction between ion beam and or- ganism is a biophysical technology possessing a independent copy-righted product in China, the Chinese scientists have discovered the biological effect of ion beam implantation in the 1980s, and applied this principle into plant muta- tion breeding. In this article, we mainly summarized the action principle of organisms by ion beam and its application, including on plant breeding, microorganism varieties improvement and genetic modification, in conclusion, we still sumed up the problems existing in this investigation field by



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