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2010 26 4 89 * 1, 2 3 1 ( 1. 510515; 2. ; 3. ) 诃子是佛门圣树, 具有较高的药用和观赏价值文章从诃子的佛教渊源生物学特征药用价值 文化特征 方面对其进行详细的介绍, 总结了近年来诃子药理活性繁殖栽培技术方面的研究进展, 为其开 发利用提供参考 诃子 佛教渊源 药理活性 繁殖技术 : S792. 99 : A : 1006- 4427( 2010) 04- 0089- 04 Prospects for theDeveloping and Utilization of the Buddhism Saint TreeTerm ina lia chebula Retz. 1, 2 3 1 LeiYunfei Du Y atian H ou Biqin ( 1. Institute of Guan zhou H uanan Enviroresources, Guan zhou Guan don , 510515; 2. A ricu lture Forestry and W ater O ffice in Dapen Subdistrict O ffice, Lon an D istrict, Shenzhen; 3. The Key Laboratory of Hunan Forest Products Chem ical Industry En ineerin , Jishou University) Abstract Term inalia chebula Retz. is the Buddh ism SaintT reew ith h i h med icinal and ornamental value. The paper has carried on the detailed elaboration from its sutra ori ins, b iolo ical characteristics, medicinal value and culture characteristics. A review w asm ade of published literatures in recent years on pharmacolo ical activity and propa ation cu ltivation techn ique of T. chebula, and its breedin cu ltivation w ere also introduced in th is paper as a reference for the developin and utilization. Key ords T erm inalia chebula Retz. , sutra ori ins, pharm acolo ical activity, propa ation techn ique (Term inalia chebula Retz. ), , , 1, , 1 500, 600~ 1 850 m , , , 10 [ 1] , , ,


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