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2010 37 4 7! 农艺性状和生物学特性 李党训, 李昌珠, 唐时俊, 王晓明 ( , 410004) : 湘栗 7 号! 是我们从湖南省临湘市坦渡乡发现的板栗新品种栗苞黄绿色, 椭圆或近圆形; 果椭圆或 圆形, 红褐色, 单粒重 135~ 175 g, 果肉黄白色, 细腻糯性, 味甜; 出仁率 785%, 含水率 49% ~ 51%, 淀 粉 54%, 总糖 13%, 蛋白质 87%, 脂肪 64%; 每平方米冠幅面积产量 041~ 063 kg; 丰产稳产性强, 大小年 产量变幅在 40% 左右; 出籽率 36% ~ 38%; 抗桃蛀螟栗瘿蜂栗疫病; 在湖南, 果 9月下旬至 10月上旬成 熟, 南方板栗适栽区都可栽植 : 板栗; 新品种; 湘栗 7 号; 丰产优质; 抗病虫 : S 6642 : A : 1003 5710 ( 2010) 04 0011 04 do:i 10 3969/j issn. 1003 5710201004004 Agronom ic characters and biological characteristics of a new highyield chestnut variety of ∀Xiang LiNo. 7# LI angxun, LIChangzhu, TANG Shijun, WANG Xiaom ing (Hunan Forestry Academy, Changsha 410004, China) Abstract: ∀ X iang LiNo7# is a new variety of chestnut discovered atTandu Town, Linxiang City, Hunan ProvinceThe chestnut bract is yellowgreen, elliptic or suborbiculate. Nut is elliptic or round, reddishbrown, and theweight of single nut is 135~ 175 g. The flesh is yellowwhite, fine texture, waxy and sweet. The kernel ratio and water content are 785% and 49% ~ 51% respectively. And the contents of starch, total sugar, protein and fat are 54%, 13%, 87% and 64% respectively. The yield of crown per square meter is 041~ 063 kg. This variety has high and stable yield, the variation of annualyield is about40%, and the rate of seed yield is 36% ~ 38%. This variety also performs obvious resistance to peach pyralidmoth, chestnut gallwasp and chestnut blight. The nuts get ripe from late September to early October inHunan Province. ∀X iang L iNo7# can be planted in all chestnut adaptation areas in the south of China. K ey words: chestnut; new variety; X iang LiNo7; high


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