
国际贸易实务教案 - 西安外国语大学精品课程网站.doc

国际贸易实务教案 - 西安外国语大学精品课程网站.doc

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国际贸易实务教案 - 西安外国语大学精品课程网站

国际贸易实务教案 Chapter 1-4. Brief Introduction to International Trade 国际贸易简介 1.1 Reasons for international trade 1.1.1Resources Reasons (1) Natural resources. (2) Favorable climate conditions and terrain. (3) Skilled workers and capital resources. (4) Favorable geographic location and transportation costs. 1.1.2Economic Reasons (1) Comparative advantage (2) Strong domestic demand (3) Innovation or style 1.1.3Political Reasons 1.2 Problems Concerning International Trade 1.2.1Cultural Problems (1) Language. (2) Customs and manners. 1.2.2Monetary Conversions 1.2.3Trade Barriers Individual countries put controls on trade for the following three reasons: (1) To correct a balance-of-payments deficit. (2) For reasons of national security. (3) To protect their own industries against the competition of foreign goods. Although tariffs have been lowered substantially by international agreements, countries continue to use other devices to limit imports or to increase exports. Some of these are: (1) requiring import licenses that permit only specific volumes or values imports; (2) setting quotas that limit the total value or volume of a product to be imported; (3) limiting government purchases to firms within the country; (4) applying standards for safety, consumer protection, or other reasons, which foreign products may not be able to meet; (5) making special payments called export subsidies to encourage local exporters to increase foreign sales; (6) targeting棗a new term meaning the imposition of a package of measures to give certain local industries a competitive advantage in export markets. It might include export subsidies, technical assistance, subsidies for research and development, and financial assistance; (7) requiring licenses to obtain foreign currencies by those who want to buy goods from abroad棗thus limiting the quantity of imports they can buy; (8) reducing the value of a nation’s currency in relation to that of the rest of the world so that its exported goods cost


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