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  中国水稻科学 (Ch inese J R ice S ci) , 2000, 14 (4) : 229~ 232 229 饲料用稻谷和糙米的营养特性 1 2 1 1 1 贺建华  徐庆国  黄美华  金 宏  曾淑元 (1 湖南农业大学 动物科技学院, 湖南 长沙 410128; 2 湖南农业大学 水稻研究所, 湖南 长沙 410128) N u tritional Characteristics of Feeder R ice Grain and B row n R ice 1 2 1 1 1 E , U , UAN G , IN , EN G H J ian hua X Q ing guo H M ei hua J Hong Z Shu yuan (1Colleg e of A nim al S cience and T echnology , H unan A g ricu ltu ral U niversity , Chang sha 410128, Ch ina; 2 R ice R esearch Institu te , H unan A g ri cu ltu ral U niversity , Chang sha 410128, Ch ina)   Abstract: The nutrient content , am ino acid content and nutrient digestibility of rice grain and brow n rice w ere investigat ed w ith 18 rice cultivars. The average dry m atter , crude p ro tein and gro ss energy in rice grain and brow n rice are ( 87. 24 ± ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 30 % , 87. 39 ±0. 32 % ; 8. 85 ±1. 23 % , 10. 35 ±1. 33 % ; 15. 83 ±0. 28 , 15. 95 ±0. 20 . M J kg M J kg The di 10. 28 13. 48 . gestible energy of rice grain and brow n rice is M J kg and M J kg respectively It w as show n that the fiber in rice grain is the m ain facto r fo r low er nutrient digestibility. The am ino acid content of rice grain and brow n rice are 0. 29% and 0 44% fo r lysine, 0. 10% and 0. 18% fo r m ethionine and 0. 26% and 0. 30% fo r threonine. A s a sw ine feed, the first lim iting


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