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本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 毕业设计题目:交叉耦合控制在高速轨迹追踪控制中的设计 外文题目:Design of Cross-Couple Control on High Speed Tracking Control 译文题目:关于摩擦转矩补偿在主动杆控制中的应用 学 院: 信息科学与工程学院 专业班级: 电子信息工程 班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 原文 Active stick control using frictional torque compensation Yoonsu Nam , Sung Kyung Hong Abstract An active stick which has variable force-feel characteristics is developed. A combined position and force control strategy is mechanized by using a 2-axis built-in force sensor and LVDT. The 2-axis force sensor, which measures the stick force felt by the operator, is developed by using strain gages and appropriate instrumental amplifiers. A mathematical model of the active stick dynamics is derived, and compared with the experimental results. The frictional torque of the stick due to the mechanical contact of several parts causes the experimental frequency responses to be dependent on the magnitude of the excitation signal and the precision closed loop control to be difficult. A friction observer which estimates the frictional torque of the active stick in real time is designed, and applied to the closed loop control. The benefit of using the friction observer is verified through numerical simulation and experiments. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Active stick; Friction observer; Hysteresis; 2-Axis force sensor; Variable force-feel characteristics 1. Introduction A stick is a kind of command-generation device for an aircraft, tele-robot, and game machine. The conventional stick provides only a spring-reaction force in response to the user’ intention. However, in more realistic situations, there is a growing need for an active stick, which supplies force feedback to the operator. This means that the force that the operator feels can be varied in real time to meet the requirements of the specific applications. The application of an active stick can be found in a pilot inceptor of a modern aircraft and a control loading mechanism for


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