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温馨夜读-01尘世之贵(前8篇) 1、说明: 这个是温馨夜读中 01尘世之贵 里面的 前8篇,前面是8个是mp3的,后面的是形式的txt文本,再往下是lrc也就是同步mp3形式的, 如果需要下载mp3和同步的英文文章,可以选中需要的mp3和同步的文章(一般为lrc格式的) 复制,然后将他们 粘贴 到电脑上的一个文件夹中,然后拷到mp3中就可以了。 (好像需要一个一个复制粘贴) 因为上传大小有限,故只上传一部分,后面的会记着上传。 1、1 mp3格式的听力文件 1、The Earthly Treasure是否值得 [00:07.43]In the deep winter, natural flowers tend to shrivel; [00:11.70]while, the flowers of friendship and love stand to bloom fragrantly, as a consequence of watered love. [00:19.47]Is It Worth It? [00:26.61]Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. [00:34.60]Caught in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head, [00:39.08]the soldier asked his lieutenant if he might go out into the No Man’s Land [00:44.55]between the trenches to bring his fallen comrade back. [00:48.60]You can go, said the Lieutenant, but I don’t think it will be worth it. [00:54.18]Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your own life away. [00:59.22]The Lieutenant’s words didn’t matter, and the soldier went anyway. [01:03.81]Miraculously he managed to reach his friend, hoisted him onto his shoulder, [01:09.83]and brought him back to their company’s trench. [01:12.67]As the two of them tumbled in together to the bottom of the trench, [01:16.72]the officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. [01:22.08]I told you it wouldn’t be worth it, he said. Your friend is dead, and you are mortally wounded. [01:29.63]It was worth it, though, sir, the soldier said. [01:33.90]How do you mean ‘worth it’? responded the Lieutenant. Your friend is dead! [01:41.12]Yes sir, the private answered. But it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive, [01:49.00]and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, ‘Jim, I knew you’d come.’ [01:54.90]Many a time in life, whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on how you look at it. [02:02.78]Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not do


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