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高考英语总复习之单句改错专专项训练 代词   1. Dont tell anyone else. It is strictly between you and I.   2. I and he have known each other for ten years.   3. Alice and myself are willing to work in the factory.   4. It was me who first found out the secret.   5. One must do his duty.   6. No body knows about it.   7. He is an old friend of me.   8. Whom do you think is the best student in the class?   9. We had the same feeling as theirs.   10. I like him better than her.   11. Did any of my classmates come to gee me? No one.   12. We had the same feeling as theirs.   13. The tree has shaken off its leaves.   14. Did you see the house where he designed himself?   15. Do you know the place which they built the house?   16. He had a bad cold. It is why he didnt come.   17. This is all what I want to say.   18. He held a flag in hand.   19. He lost his usual cheerfulness. This puzzled me.   20. The population of China is much larger than Japan.  Keys:1. Ime 2. He and I 3. myself→I myself 4. me→I 5. his→ones 6. No body→Nobody 7. me→mine8. whom→who 9. theirs→they 10. her→she do11. No one→None 12. they (had)13. its→its 1


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