英语短 文 写 作 短文写作文体及其写作要领.doc

英语短 文 写 作 短文写作文体及其写作要领.doc

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英语短 文 写 作 短文写作文体及其写作要领

英语短 文 写 作 短文写作文体及其写作要领 常见的英语作文文体包括描写文(Description)、叙述文(Narration)、说明文(Exposition)和议论文(Argumentation)。 一、议 论 文 议论文是采用逻辑证明或推理的方法, 阐述作者的立场和观点的一种文体。在议论文的写作过程中, 可以从正面提出自己的某一观点, 也可以针对某种错误的观点进行批评反驳。议论文一般应该具备论点、论据和结论三个要素, 在写议论文的时候, 要注意五个方面的问题, 即, 主题明确, 论据充分, 逻辑严密, 结构清楚, 态度忠诚友好。 论文就种类来说可以分为以下四种类型。 (1) 比较性议论文(Analyzing-Alternative Essay)。 比较性议论文用于在两种或两种以上的事物或观点之间作出比较。在对两种事物或观点作比较时, 一定要找出它们的异同点, 在对两事物进行比较和对照之后, 要明确提出自己的见解或认识。例如: 例1. Directions: Traditional ways of life are often changed by modern technology. Using one or two examples of such changes, compare the new ways with the old. Which way of life do you like better? Why? Technology threatens and inflicts damage upon our quality of life. Scientific achievement of this century is creating a wide- spread plague that would soon destroy the entire world. Lets take, for example, our air. Due to massive air pollution, what we breathe is not relatively safe as it used to be. The fumes from the exhaust pipes of automobiles, trucks and factories blow waste materials into the atmosphere. After a period of time, atmospheric change occur. The fumes, that were collected in atmosphere, are slowly eating away at the ozone layer. This layer of the atmosphere is what shields us from solar ultra -violent rays. Once this layer is gone, our natural protection against the sun would be gone, and if we were hit by one ray of the sun, wed burst into flames and fired into a cinder. Another plague of technology would be nuclear power. The power that can energize entire cities with electricity could also be the power to destroy. After 1945, the research on nuclear power has increased significantly. Contrary to the belief that it is safe, nuclear power has a way of destroying the whole cities. It is not like a fire that can be put out with water or CO2, but special equipments have to be used. Afterwards, that place would remain radioactive for quite a long time, devoid of life and sound. So you see, if technology cannot be halted, then our fa


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