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毕业设计(论文) 配电网电能质量在线监测装置研究与开发 Online distribution system power quality monitoring device research and development 摘 要 随着国民经济的快速发展和电力市场的初步形成,电能质量问题已经引起电力部门的高度重视。为采取合理措施提高电能质量,建立电能治理的监测和分析系统,对其进行正确检测、评估和分类都是十分必要的。 本文首先概括的介绍了谐波分析算法的理论依据。其中,采用快速傅立叶变换进行电力系统谐波检测时很难做到时域和频域的统一,无法确定扰动发生的时刻,从而引入了小波变换的分析方法。并详细的介绍了小波变换的算法及推导。然后应用DSP信号处理技术,设计出电能质量在线监测系统的硬件和软件部分并给出相应模块程序流程图,通过matlab 对其进行仿真分析与调试。 关键词 谐波 电能质量 小波变换 DSP 实时检测 Abstract: With the rapid development of the national economy and the initial formation of the electricity market, power quality problems have caused a high degree of attention to the power sector. To take reasonable measures to improve power quality, the establishment of energy management monitoring and analysis system, its correct detection, assessment and classification is very necessary. This article first introduces a general algorithm for harmonic analysis of the theoretical basis. Among them, the use of fast Fourier transform to power system harmonic detection difficult to achieve when the time domain and frequency domain of the reunification was not possible to determine the time of the disturbance took place, thus the introduction of wavelet transform analysis. And describes in detail the algorithm and wavelet transform is derived. And then the application of DSP signal processing technology, the design of online power quality monitoring system hardware and software modules and the corresponding program flow chart is given by its matlab simulation analysis and debugging. Key words: Harmonic power quality Wavelet Transform DSP Real-time detection 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 本文研究的目的及意义 1 1.2 电能质量国内外研究现状 1 1.3 电能质量分类及指标 1 1.4 本次设计研究的内容和拟解决的关键问题 2 2 电能质量问题分析方法 3 2.1 傅里叶变换 3 2.2 小波变换 6 2.3 两种分析方法的比较 8 2.4 小波变换和傅里叶变换相结合监测电能质量方案 9 3 电能质量的测量方法 14 3.1 频率的测量 15 3.2 谐波测量 15 3.3 电压偏差的测量 20 3.4 三相不平衡度的测量 20 3.5 电压波动和闪变的测量 21 4电能质量监测系统总体设计 23 4.1 系统的性能和技术指标 23 4.2 总体设计方案 25 5 电能质量在线监测系统硬件设计 28 5.1 系统整体电路 28 5.2 信号调理电路 29 5.3 A/


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