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导读:8月2日,在柏林举办的第二十届世界翻译大会会员代表大会上,许渊冲教授荣获国际译联2014年“北极光”杰出文学翻译奖(FIT“Aurora Borealis” Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature),成为第一位获此殊荣的亚洲翻译家。一起去看看许老的那些“神翻译”! 关雎 Cooing And Wooing 关关雎鸠, By riverside are cooing 在河之洲. A pair of turtledoves; 窈窕淑女, A good young man is wooing 君子好逑. A fair maiden he loves. 参差荇菜, Water flows left and right 左右流之. Of cress long here, short there; 窈窕淑女, The youth yearns day and night 寤寐求之. For the good maiden fair. 求之不得, His yearning grows so strong, 寤寐思服. He can not fall asleep, 悠哉悠哉, But tosses all night long, 辗转反侧. So deep in love, so deep! 参差荇菜, Now gather left and right 左右采之. Cress long or short and tender! 窈窕淑女, O lute, play music bright 琴瑟友之. For the bride sweet and slender! 参差荇菜, Feast friends at left and right 左右芼之. On cress cooked till tender! 窈窕淑女, O bells and drums, delight 钟鼓乐之. The bride so sweet and slender! 垓下歌 XIANG YU’S LAST SONG 力拔山兮气盖世, I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might, 时不利兮骓不逝。 But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight. 骓不逝兮可奈何! Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. 虞兮虞兮奈若何! What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair! 回乡偶书 HOME-COMING 贺知章 He Zhizhang 少小离家老大回, Old, I return to the homeland while young, 乡音无改鬓毛衰。 Thinner has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue. 儿童相见不相识, My children, whom I meet, do not know am I. 笑问客从何处来。 “Where are you from, dear sir?” they ask with beaming eye. 七步诗 WRITTEN WHILE TAKING SEVEN PACES 曹植 Cao Zhi 煮豆燃豆萁, Pods burned to cook peas, 豆在釜中泣。 Peas weep in the pot: 本是同根生, “Grown from same root, please, 相煎何太急。 Why boil us so hot?” 归园田居 RETURN TO NATURE 陶渊明 Tao Yuanming 种豆南山下, I sow beans’ neath southern hill; 草盛豆苗稀。 Bean shoots are lost where weeds o’ erthepath grow. 晨兴理荒秽, I weed at dawn though early still; 带月荷锄归。 I plod home with my moonlit hoe. 道狭草木长, The path is narrow, grasses tall, 夕露沾我衣。 With evening dew my clothes wet, 衣沾不足惜, To which I pay no


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