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医患交流 Why, What , How www 中国特色的医患关系 令人堪忧 矛盾升级 暴力残酷 2001年7月13日湖南中医学院附属第一医院王万林医生惨遭他曾医治的病人杀害 2003年8月24日武汉市同济来福门诊部2名医务人员被刺死、4名被刺伤 2004年2月11日四川大学华西医院李宁医生被砍伤,致粉碎性开放性颅骨骨折、失血性休克 2005年8月12日福建中医学院戴春福医生在该院附属“国医堂”医院出诊时被患者用刀捅死 2010年6月12日和13日山东齐鲁医院患者家属两天在同一地点(办公司)杀死一名医生(6刀)和一名护士(20刀) 医患关系恶化到如此血腥的地步,在人类历史上是罕见的!!! 医患关系的基本要素 六个 “ C” 选择 ( choice) 称职 ( competence) 交流( communication) 同情 ( compassion) 连贯性( continuity) 利益不冲突( no conflict of interest) 医生与患者:I-you, not I-It 交流贯穿整个医疗过程 Doctor-patient communication 从病史采集到完成治疗 医生与患者建立关系 在有效的交流基础之上 Patient-physician communication is an integral part of clinical practice. Is there a problem? Evidence suggests that problems with physician-patient communication are common: 54% of problems 45% of concerns neither elicited by the physician nor disclosed by the patient 50% of psychosocial and psychiatric problems missed by physicians 50% of visits :the patient physician no agreement on the nature of the main presenting problem Beckman研究:医生打断患者为18s Kurt研究:医生打断患者为23s 8%患者认为已完成 影响依从性(compliance) 医生与患者的一致性 (agreement) Starfield报道:<50% Stewart报道: 50%患者问题未能明确 一致性更低 决定治疗方案达成一致:转诊、纠纷更少 Training in patient-physician communication is also now objectively evaluated as a core competency in various accreditation settings Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination—USA—Performance Evaluation The United States Medical Licensing Examination The American Board of Medical Specialties’ certification 1995年,WHO提出“五星级医生” “保健提供者、交际家、决策者、健康教育家、社区领导者、服务管理者” Can Communication Skills Be Taught? Physicians often assume that communication skills are something that one is born with A variety of intervention studies show that these skills are indeed teachable. Kurtz提出:Two primary factors have been responsible for this major shift in attitude and practice Aspergren回顾180篇医患交流教育的文献 179篇文献支持可以教育和学习 学生和不同级别的医生接受能力相似 专业医师(specialist)也同样受益 Fallow field报道3天workshop训练用录像观察 Physicians improved Expressions of empathy Appropriate res


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