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心电图纸上的每个小方格,横格为0.04s,纵格为0.1mv。 T波:除在avR导联是例置外,余在R波高于0.5mv时均应直立。(如在I,II导联应直立,avR中应倒置,胸前导联自V4-6均直立) Q-T间期:自QRS波开始至T波终了的间期 ,代表心室除极,复极时间的总和 Arrhythmia Arrhythmia [教学目的、要求] 1.了解心律失常分类 2.掌握常见心律失常的心电图表现(窦性心律及窦性心律失常,期前收缩,异位心动过速,心房扑动与心房颤动,房室传导阻滞) [教学难点] 常见心律失常的心电图表现 Classification SINUS RHYTHM AND SINUS ARRHYTHMIAS Sinus rhythm features : (1) Every P wave is following by a QRS complex; (2) P wave is upright in lead I, II, aVF, V4-V6, inverse in aVR; (3)??P-R interval ≥ 0.12sec; (4) Difference of P--P interval 0.12sec in the same lead (5)??Normal rate is 60-100 beats/min Sinus Bradycardia: (1)? Sinus rhythm (2)? Heart rate 60bpm (R-R interval or P-P interval 1.0 sec ) Factors associated with sinus bradycardia (1) Physiologic Laborers and trained athletes Emotional states leading to syncope (2) Pathologic ?-blocker Hypothyroidism (甲低) Sinus Tachycardia (1)? Sinus rhythm, rate 100 bpm The R-R interval (or the P-P interval) 0.60 sec. (2)? P-R and Q-T interval are shorter than usual (3)? ST-T changes. Factors associated with sinus tachycardia (1) Physiologic Exercise Strong emotion Anxiety states (2) Pathologic Fever Hemorrhage(出血) Anemia(贫血) Myocarditis(心肌炎) Hyperthyroidism(甲亢) Sinus arrhythmia Sinus rhythm Difference of P--P interval 0.12sec in the same lead ? Sinus arrest The P wave missed for a short time Premature contractions 1. Premature Ventricular Contraction (1) Premature QRS complex is the wider and the bizarre , Duration of QRS 0.12 sec. T wave in direction is opposite to QRS complex . (2)Ventricular complex (QRS) is not preceded by a premature P wave. (3) Complete compensatory pause 2. Atrial Premature Contractions (1) The premature P wave differs in contour from the normal P wave in the same lead. (2) The P-R interval 0.12s. (3) There may be a n


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