人教版高二英语必修五Teaching plan for“A Student of African Wildlife” 教案.doc

人教版高二英语必修五Teaching plan for“A Student of African Wildlife” 教案.doc

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人教版高二英语必修五Teaching plan for“A Student of African Wildlife” 教案

Teaching plan for“A Student of African Wildlife”   一 设计思想 本篇文章介绍了Jane Goodall一直致力于在野外研究黑猩猩并号召人们尊敬和保护这些生命的事迹,激励人心。设计时1. 以“study”为中心,抓住研究方式、研究成果及研究成果推广这几条主线,来一步步的了解Jane这么多年来为了解和保护大猩猩所付出的努力。2. 注重激发学生思维,让其思考并感受从树立目标到达成目标中间所经历的困难和付出的努力以及尊重和保护野生动物的重要性。3. 引导学生在阅读的同时关注写作技巧,做到读写结合,共同提高。 二 教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives: Be able to know the meaning of the following words and expressions: behave, behavior, observe, observation, bond, worthwhile, respect, argue, outspoken, inspire, lead a...life ... Be able to have a full understanding of Jane’s study and how she manages to realize her dream and make great achievements. 2. Ability and Skills objectives: Be able to use effective skills to understand the passage well, including getting the information from the context, guessing the meaning of the new words from the context, guessing the implied meaning from the context and the organization of the context. Be able to use different writing skills like giving an example, using a quote, listing facts in time order... 3. Affect and Attitudes objectives: Be aware of the importance and meaning of studying animals in their own environment. Be aware that to achieve a goal, one has to overcome many difficulties and devote and sacrifice a lot. Be aware that it makes a difference to both humans and animals to respect and protect wildlife. 四 教学重点与难点 Important points: use reading skills to understand the passage and the theme. Difficult points: 1. Students understand the study step by step. 2. How to support an idea by giving details in different ways. 五 课前准备 1.学生的学习准备:阅读材料 2. 教学用具的设计和准备:课件,词汇表,视频Jane Goodall 六 教学过程 Step1 Warming up Watch a video clip about Jane Goodall and learn some background information about her. Step 2 Read the title What information can you get from the title? What do you expect to know from the passage with such a title? Step 3 Fast reading Figure out what aspects of the study are mentioned. Match each paragraph with a related aspect. Step 4 Care


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