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网上图书销售系统 摘 要 随着Internet的不断发展,网络已经变得越来越重要。它不仅改变了许多人的生活习惯,同时也改变了企业的经营行为和竞争规则等,其重要方式便是电子商务。电子商务受到人们越来越多的关注,并改变着社会经济的各方面。随着计算机的发展,电子商务必定成为一种主流的购物方式。本设计的主要内容是网上图书销售系统的设计和实现,提出了一种利用技术开发网上图书销售系统的方案,以期达到功能强大,费用低廉,通用性强从网站的数据库设计、网站的系统结构模块等都作了详细的介绍。把ASPACCESS数据库结合,进行了较深的应用,以便用户在登能更加地利用网站资源。网上图书销售ASP.NET,ONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM ABSTRACT With the development of Internet, the network is becoming more and more important. It not only changed many peoples living habits, but also changed the business operations of enterprises and the rules and so on. One of the important ways is e-commerce. E-commerce is getting more and more attention, and is changing every aspect of the social and economy. With the development of the computer, e-commerce will surely become one kind of mainstream shopping ways. My design is the system of online book sales .In order to design one powerful, cheap, versatile and suitable system of online book sales system for merchants to use. It puts forward a kind of online book sales system solutions which is used the asp. This article introduces the background and significance of this online shopping system briefly, It expounds the processes of this website and system-database’s design and implementation emphatically and explains the database’s design , website’s structure of the system and working principle, module introduction in detail. During this webs design and implementation I made the ASP combine with ACCESS database and use them deeply and do the best to improve the data of database, so that users can perfectly use the resources of websites after they login the system. KEY WORDS:e-commerce, online book sales, ASP,ACCESS 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 开发工具概述 2 1.1 ASP.NET简介 2 1.1.1 ASP.NET与ASP 2 1.1.2 ASP.NET技术的特点 3 1.1.3 开发ASP.NET时的注意事项 4 1.2 Visual Studio 2008简介 4 第2章 系统总体规划 6 2.1 系统分析 6 2.1.1 系统需求分析 6 2.1.2 用户需求分析 6 2.2 系统总体设计 7 2.2.1 系统简介 7 2.2.2 运行环境与系统结构 7 2.3 系统模块功能简介 9 2.3.1 管理员模块 9 2.3.4 会员模块 9 第3章 系统数据库设计 11 3.1 数据库简介 11 3.1.1 Access数据库技术概述 11 3.1.2 数据库设计介绍


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