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船舶保安现场检查表 Ship Security On-scene Checklist 船舶: 浚海1 船型: 艉机型 航线: Ship: JUNHAI 1 Ship Type:Stern machinery type Route: 检查日期: 检查人员: Inspection Date Inspector: 序号 Item 保 安 措 施 Security measures 是 Y 否 N 备 注REMARK 1 船长,船舶保安员(SSO),和船员是否熟悉公司的保安目标和方针? Are Master, SSO and ship crew familiar with company security objective and policies Y 基本了解 2 船长是否建立、正确记载《船舶保安档案》? Has the Master established and correctly filled up the Ship Security Archives Y 3 是否了解保安组织机构图中如下内容: Do they understand the following description in security organization struture 1)船上的相互关系(CSO与船长责任等), Relationship onboard (Duties of CSO and Master) 2)对于各种船-岸关系的处理 (公司, 港口设施,海事机构)? Handling of various ship-shore connection (company, port facility, maritime organization) Y 基本了解 4 船上人员是否了解自己在《船舶保安计划》中的工作职责, Do ship personnel know their duties defined in SSP Y 5 谁是本船的CSO,并在船舶有关文件中予以标识? Who is the CSO of this ship, is it identified in ship related document Y 吴小明 6 船上是否有与CSO24小时联系方法? Is there means onboard to contact with CSO in 24 hours Y 7 船舶保安员和船长是否得知CSO的联系方法? Do SSO and shipmaster know how to contact CSO Y 8 船舶保安计划是否明确叙述了CSO的职责和责任? Is the duty and responsibility of CSO defined in SSP Y 9 CSO是否安排了有关保安活动的内部审核? Does CSO arrange for internal audit of security activity Y 10 船舶是否已经任命一名SSO? Is there one SSO assigned onboard Y 朱宝柱 11 SSO是否经过专业的培训和/或教育? Is the SSO trained for professional and/or educated Y 12 SSP是否已经明确规定了SSO的职责和责任,包括其报告职责? Is the duty and responsibility of SSO including duty of report specified in SSP Y 13 SSO是否报告了所有的保安缺陷、不符合项 和保安事件? Does SSO report all the security vulnerabilities, non-conformities and security incidents N 没发生 保安事件 14 是否已经实施了纠正行动? Is the corrective action carried out Y 15 SSO是否知晓当前的保安威胁和形式? Dose SSO know about the existing security threat and the mode of threat Y 16 SSO是否知道如何识别和探测武器, 有害物质和装置? Dose SSO know h


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