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恩波学校中级BEC辅导班补充材料 主讲:邹锐锐 Day One Time Topics Objectives Done or not 8:30-8:40 Brief introduction of the Enbo BEC training program 8:40-10:00 Unit One A assessing teams The concept of “teamwork”. Speaking Part One; (introduction and practice) Homework Preliminary test of your reading ability 10:00-11:30 Arranging a course Fax reading. (Fax layout) Reading Part One; (introduction; practice P1-P2) Executive Adventures Ltd 1:30-2:30 Unit One B Taking messages Listing Part One (introduction and practice) Intensive Practice (see p1-p2) 2:30-3:30 Leaving voice mails Listening Part Two (introduction and practice) Intensive Practice 3:30-4:30 Keeping in touch Reading Part One Supplementary Exercise for Unit One A (See page 10) 1. During the course you will have the chance to learn outside the classroom. 2. The course suits the need of the businessmen who don’t have much time to be trained. 3. The course will teach you how to deal with the possible emergencies and risks. 4. You will attend the lectures given by business specialists. 5. You will learn how to give orders to your team members. Supplementary Exercise For Unit One B 1. Hello Frida. This is Margaret Brock here. It’s 9.30 on Wednesday morning I’m ringing about the _________________. __________ send me a copy of your ____________________, _____? I’m in Helsinki until Friday. Thanks very much. Bye. 2. This is Frank Larsen from Scandinavian Conferences in Copenhagen. I’m ringing to telling you that this year’s Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair’s taking place in the week of November 22. If you’d like some ________________, ________________________ you’ll need. Please call me on 0045 33 346 766. Thank you. Bye. 3. Hi Frida. It’s Sue Mellor. How are you? I hope you’re not too busy at the moment. I wanted to talk to you about ________ next month. You know _____________ the 13th? Well, _______ it’s not going to ____________ because of deadlines here. I _____________ we could _________ a week ______, coul


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