外研版初中英语Module10 The weather unit3 language in use 课件.ppt

外研版初中英语Module10 The weather unit3 language in use 课件.ppt

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外研版初中英语Module10 The weather unit3 language in use 课件

Enjoy a video * * * Team racing Boys and girls have a race. The team that first give a correct words will get one point. Speaking Practice Ready? Can you say? sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy 1 2 3 4 5 How’s the weather? Guess what the weather might or may be like. It might be …/It may be … What will the weather be like next week? Module10 The weather Grammar Modal verbs (情态动词) 1. It might snow. 2. It’s probably sunny and hot there. 3. Bring a map because you may want to travel around. Certainty (可能性) : 1.It may not even be cold, just wet. 2. We might go to Australia. may:对现在或将来的不太肯定的_____(用于肯定句和否定句中),表“____”、“____” . might:的语气更加 _____ 。 ? 她可能病了. ? 他可能不来. 猜测 或许 可能 不肯定 She _______ ill. may be He _________ come. might not 3.Is it possible to visit Alaska in May? 五月去阿拉斯加游览有可能吗? 4.It is possible that it’ll be snowy at night. 晚上有可能会下雪。 5.It will probably be cold and wet. 天气很可能会又湿又冷。 possible, possibly, probably 的常用结构: It is _________ that +句子 很可能… It is ___________ do sth. 做某事很可能 S (主语) + will ___________________ + do sth. probably表示的可能性比possibly要__。 possible possible to probably / possibly 大 Let’s play a game! 3分题 4分题 5分题 6分题 7分题 8分题 A.单词拼写。(Come on!!!) 1. —What’s the t___________ today? —It’s very warm. It’s 10~15℃. 2. —Have you seen Li Lei? —Yes, I have. He is p________ in the library. 3. The ground is very wet. It must have r______ last night. emperature robably ained Complete the sentences with may or probably. 1. It ______ be cold and wet in Hong Kong in January. 2. Mary will _________ go to New York in the autumn. 3. It will _________ rain tomorrow, so I will stay at home and read a book. may probably probably 4. You ______ need to take a scarf with you. It’s cold. 5. It ______ rain later, so take an umbrella with you. 6. It will __________ be sunny in Haikou now. may may probably Put the following into English: We will probably win the game. It may not rain tomorrow, but


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