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2013外研版四年级英语期中复习 一、单词 China No.(number的缩写) right left lost live supermarket these straight running want some can see thing also help afraid between near beside fast high far tall strong interesting hungry people kid children (child) men (man) winner picture dragon clock boat chess juice ice food tomato train flower dumpling potato station sky star cinema hill house street read write run listen talk take drink draw jump sing dance make buy row ride fly skate 二、词组 excuse me go straight on turn left turn right next to so much dragon boat lots of soya milk fast food How much...?. play with listen to talk to live at 居住 wheres= where is 在哪里 in the park 在公园 on the lake在湖上 down the hill下山 up the hill上山 at the station在车站 near the park between the (big) trees 在大树中间 动词词组: read a book 读书 watch TV 看电视 draw pictures(draw a picture) 画画 play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 listen to music听音乐 take pictures 照相 play chess下国际象棋 do taijiquan练太极拳 row a boat划船 row a dangon boat划龙舟 drink milk 喝牛奶 drink soya milk喝豆浆 ride a bike 骑自行车 fly a kite 放风筝 make noodles做面条make dumplings包饺子make cakes(make a cake)做蛋糕 write a letter 写信 get on 上车 play with a toy train 玩一辆玩具火车 talk to my(his/her) friend 和我的(他的/她的)朋友聊天 running跑步swimming游泳singing正在唱歌 dancing正在跳舞 jumping 正在跳 jump far 跳远 jump high 跳高 run fast 跑的快 三、缩写与完整形式 I’m=I am, he’s=he is, she’s=she is, it’s=it is you’re=you are, we’re=we are, they’re=they are here’s=here is, where’s= where is what’s= what is can’t=can not, haven’t=have not, don’t=do not, isn’t=is not, aren’t=are not, 四、现在分词(—ing形式) write→writing, take→taking, make→making, ride→riding, dance


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