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Unit5 Can you come to my party?First think,and then speak 三思而后行要求学生能够掌握如何表达拒绝别人的邀请。2. 巩固have to 的用法教学重难点1、 教学重点:A新词汇及动词短语(  2、教学难点:A have to 的用法   B运用词汇和句型自如地进行口语交际。教学方法:观察归纳法、听说法、识图法、情景对话法 学 过 程 Step1 Warming up: What day is it today ?tomorrow the day after tomorrow What is the date today? Tomorrow. the day after tomorrow 引出my birthday is Can you sing a song ? happy Birthday to you ? Can you come to my party? Sing a song { } Ask a student: Step2 Show the learning aims: Can you come to my party?引出课题Unit 5 Can you come to my party? Let Ss read the aims. 学生能够掌握如何表达拒绝别人的邀请。2. 巩固have to 的用法Step3.Presentation (呈现) Can you come to my party? Of course , I’d love to . Can he go to the movices with me ? I’m sorry ,I can’t I am going to play tennise with my friends. I have to 操练进行口语交际Step4Learn by themselves自主学习 请同学们读3a和3b,完成下列内容,并用彩色笔画在书上。 1.进行网球训练 _______ ____ 2.为化学考试而学习________ .速回信____________ ____________ 5.去看牙医___________ 6.在周五晚上_________ Step5 Work in groups and Prectice (合作探究) 1快读Read 3a and answer :Can Sonia visit Henry this week? 2.细读并翻译: 1.I have to go to the dentist. 2.On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. 3.I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. 4.Write soon. 3)Read the passage 领读 齐读 自读 .完成短文。 Thank you ______ _______ ________ (你的邀请). I’m ________ I can’t visit you ____ _______ (这周) . I ______ ______ ______ (真的很忙). This evening I’m going to my ______ (cousin)birthday party .And tomorrow I have to _____ ______ ______ ______ (去看牙医). On Wednesday .I____ ______ ________ (进行网球训练)with the school team . And I have to study _______ my _________ test on _______ (周四).On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends . ______ ______ ( 你能)come to the movies with ______ (我们)on Friday ? Write soon Step6 精讲归纳 Thanks for + On 的用法 当堂检测: ( ) Thanks a lot for ___ me ___ your party. A invite, for B invite, to C inviting, for


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