Chap25 Agent 体系结构 人工智能课程 上海交大.ppt

Chap25 Agent 体系结构 人工智能课程 上海交大.ppt

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Chap25 Agent 体系结构 人工智能课程 上海交大

第 25章 Agent 体系结构 Outline Three-Level Architectures Goal Arbitration The Triple-Tower Architecture Bootstrapping Additional Readings and Discussion 25.1 Three-Level Architecture Shakey [Nilsson] One of the first integrated intelligent agent systems Hardware Mobile cart with touch-sensitive “feelers” Television camera, optical range-finder Software Push the boxes from one place to another Visual analysis : recognize boxes, doorways, room corners Planning : use STRIPS ( plan sequences of actions ) Convert plans into intermediate-level and low-level 25.1 Three-Level Architecture (Cont’d) Figure 25.2 Low level : Gray arrow The low-level actions (LLAs) use a short and fast path from sensory signals to effectors. Important reflexes are handled by this pathway. Stop, Servo control of motors and so on Intermediate level : Broken gray arrow Combine the LLAs into more complex behaviors Intermediate-level action (ILA) Ex: A routine that gets Shakey through a named doorway. High level : Broken dark arrows Plan is expressed as a sequence of ILAs along with their preconditions and effects. 25.1 Three-Level Architecture (Cont’d) More Recently, the three-level architecture has been used in a variety of robot systems AI subsystems are used at the intermediate and high levels Blackboard systems Dynamic Bayes belief networks Fuzzy logic Plan-space planners 25.2 Goal Arbitration Need of Arbitration Agents will often have several goals that they are attempting to achieve. Goal urgency will change as the agent acts and finds itself in new, unexpected situations. The agent architecture must be able to arbitrate among competing ILAs and planning. Urgency Depend on the priority of the goal at that time and on the relative cost of achieving goal from the present situation. 25.2 Goal Arbitration (Cont’d) Figure 25.3 Goals and their priorities are given to the system and remain active until rescinded by the user. ILAs stored as T-R programs and matched to specific goals stored in its Pla


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