八上Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation讲解与练习.doc

八上Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation讲解与练习.doc

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八上Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation讲解与练习

人教版八上Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? 知识详解 一)习惯用语: babysit one’s sister 临时照顾某人的妹妹 Go camping/hiking/fishing/ sightseeing/bike riding 去野营/远足/钓鱼/观光/骑车 go away 离开 stay at home 呆在家 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 at night =in the evening 在晚上 send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 送某人某物 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看 how long 多久 think about考虑 go back to school 回到学校 go back home 回到家 take walks=have walks=go for a walk 散步 take a vacation 度假 something different 不同的东西 in the countryside 在乡下 finish doing sth. 做完某事 decide on… 决定 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 have a good time=have fun =enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 this time 这次 next time =another time 下次 for vacation度假 an exciting vacation一个令人激动的假期 a no-stress vacation一个没有压力的假期 二)重点句型: 1.What are you doing for vacation?你假期要干什么? 2.Hes going camping with his parents.他要和父母去野营。 3.Shes babysitting her sister.她要照看她妹妹。 4.Im going on Monday.周一我要去。 5.How long are you staying?你要呆多长时间? 6.Im going hiking in the mountains.我要到山中远足。 7.Im going sightseeing.我要去观光。 8.Im taking walks,going fishing,and going bike riding. 我要散步,钓鱼,骑自行车。 9.I want an exciting vacation! A no-stress vacation! 我要过一个令人激动的假期!一个没有压力的假期! 三)交际用语: What are you doing for vacation? Im spending time with my friends. When are you going? Im going next week. How long are you staying? Were staying for two weeks. 四)词语点击: 1.plan: [pl?n] ①名词 n. [C] 计划;方案;打算[(+for/of)][+to-v] Whats your plan for the weekend? 你打算如何过周末? ②及物动词 vt.计划;打算[(+out)][+to-v]。 注意plan后常加动词不定式作宾语。 She asked about the journey he had planned. 她问起他所筹划的旅行。 Were planning to visit London this summer. 我们打算今年夏天走访伦敦。 2.away: [?′wei] 副词 adv. ① 离开[(+from) ]He hasnt been away from home before. 以前他从没有离开过家。 ② (用在名词后)隔开...远;尚有...时间 The hotel is only two miles away. 旅馆离开这里只有两英里。 ③不在;外出 Harry is still away. 哈里还是不在。 ④ 消失;(用)光;完,...掉 At last, the music died away.音乐声终于渐渐消失。 【积累】由away构成的短语:be away from远离…… take away拿走 put away把某物收起来 run away跑开 right away立刻,马上 send away


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