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目 录摘要2前言3二、《第三人称》的创作构思3(一)《第三人称》的题材构思3(二)《第三人称》的意义4三、《第三人称》的创作过程5(一)构图与定稿与表现形式的确定5(二)创作中的表现技法的探索5四、《第三人称》创作启示5五、结语6参考文献7致谢8摘要作品《第三人称》是一幅油画作品,主要采用了具象的艺术表现形式,较为直接客观的表现出我对于传统艺术戏曲的理解。作品的重要内容是戏曲中的人物形态的描绘,直接表现出戏曲表演过程中的舞台布置以及演员着装等。选取戏曲为创作的主要内容也是源自我对此的热爱,本作品旨在以传统油画艺术为基础,运用油画的表现形式,呼吁人们爱好传统艺术,传播传统艺术。关键词:油画人物 绘画风格 表现手法 传统文化On my understanding and understanding of the painting the third personAbstractAn expression of oil painting is painting, oil painting painting objects are generally exist in real life characters or objective existence of historical figures, based on its morphology and expression of different creative methods, describe the appearance characteristics of characters and inherent characteristics and expression, so as to obtain both types of God the effect of. Oil painting is not only to paint people to the figure in the paintings appearance, shape, dress and background as a vivid description, but also to show its specific spirit, identity and status, reflects the authors want to express thoughts and feelings. I want to use oil painting in the form of expression has slowly forgotten the quintessence of opera which originated in Chinese, originated in China, Peking Opera is the traditional Chinese culture is the most representative and the most unique connotation by people many times love cultural heritage. However, after the change of time, we are now 80 after almost all do not like Beijing opera, slowly forgotten it. It seems that only older people like Beijing opera, more attention. So I want to use the expression of oil painting characters, so that we can see the different charm of Peking Opera, so as to carry forward our traditional Chinese culture, so that we see the nation is the world.Key words: Oil painting, Painting style,Ttraditional culture浅谈我对绘画《第三人称》的理解与认识前言油画作为西方的空间造型艺术,是西方文化中最具有代表性的艺术形式。油画人物创作在绘画种类中,占有其重要的位置。京剧是中国的传统艺术之一,在中国的传统艺术中也占有重要的位置。戏曲是中国的国粹之一,是东方文化的重要组成部分。中国传统元素是在中华民族融合、演变的过程中逐渐形成的文化成果。是中华民族特有的民族文化形态。特别有意思的是,京剧里“生旦净末丑”不同行当的妆容、脸谱、跟服饰都不同,他们


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