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The United States? ;;1777;;;the father of the United States ;American Festivals;American Festivals;思考:;;Let us know about American Architectural culture;; ; The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco its span amazing, it is the representative of the architectural culture.;;; The Washington Monument is American war hero to the memorial, which reflect the is the history of the American attitude .; ; Dont forget to world trade mansion, it used to be the United States economic and cultural representative; The United States never lack hero, the President mountain (Mount Rushmore) is the American hero socialist cultural best reflect.;Architectural style; ;The architectural style of the features are: A, very flat Dado roof around to make level extensions. B, wall detail adornment horizontal arrangement: of this style in the first world war ii gradually disappear. C, window design outstanding level stretching. D, bottom often have a thick layer of the main building of the porch and connection: porch square columns support by.;Ranch Style;Minimal Traditional Style;Craftsman Style;Tall buildings lining reflects the contemporary American urban culture。; American Car Culture;American’s Favorite Automobile Brand ;So, Its American Car Culture;Return to the dream of eight teams;;;Hollywood Entertainment of the worlds most famous and popular tourist place, located in the northwestern suburbs of Los Angeles, California, United States urban. Now Hollywood is often directly used to refer to the film industry of southern California. The Hollywood California southwest of the second largest city in the United States in the northwest of the city of Los Angeles, is a world famous film city.;;;;2013 Spring New York Fashion Week, Jeremy Scott Special Show;Hamburger ;Fried crispy fresh milk;;On behalf of the U.S. 10 project;Thank you !!


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