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* Fritz Lickint became Germany’s biggest promoter of the anti-smoking message, cautioning that tobacco had surpassed alcohol as a public health menace. To write his ‘Tabak und Organismus’, he surveyed eight thousand publications worldwide and blamed tobacco for cancers all along the ‘rauchstrasse’ (smoke alley) – lips, tongue, lining of the mouth, jaw, esophagus, windpipe, and lungs. He associated tobacco with arteriosclerosis, infant mortality, ulcers, halitosis, and dozens of other maladies. He characterized tobacco addiction (Tabakismus) and the people afflicted as Tabakisten. He also compared tobacco addicts to morphine addicts and made a convincing argument that ‘passive smoking’ posed a serious threat to non-smokers.1 Franz Muller’s most important contribution was his statistical investigation, prompted by his observation that the lung cancer patients in his care were often heavy smokers and that men were far more likely than women to contract the disease. He compared through questionnaires and medical histories the smoking behavior of lung cancer patients with that of a healthy ‘control group’. He concluded that ‘the extraordinary rise in tobacco use’ was the single most important cause of the rising incidence of lung cancer.1 Reference: 1. Proctor R. The campaign against tobacco. In The Nazi War on Cancer, 1999. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Slide Source: Borio G. Tobacco Timeline. 1998. Available at: /History/Tobacco_History.html (accessed June 2000). * In an article entitled ‘Tobacco Smoking and Longevity’ published in the March 4, 1938 issue of Science, Professor Raymond Pearl, an eminent scientist and Professor of Biological Statistics at Johns Hopkins University, conducted a pioneering statistical study of the effect of smoking on life span. He reported that heavy smokers (more than 10 cigarettes a day) did not live as long as light smokers and that non-smokers outlived both. He concluded that smoking was associated with a ‘definite impa


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