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通 知 根据规定,来上课的同学必须到授课教师处注册,否则没有资格听课和参加考试。 本班注册时间:两周内的课前或课间。 注意:需本人亲自注册,要求学号准确,字迹清晰,否则后果自负。 研B2班授课教师 03/02/22 Unit 7 To Err Is Human Introduction Text Vocabulary Exercise Introduction Most of people may have the experience with computer errors. I myself once had a trouble at a bank in Beijing last year because of the computer error. It really made me feel depressed when I was in need of money. This article, however, argues we can derive aspirations from computer errors and they can be used to improve human life. Framework of the article I. Contrary to conventional beliefs that machines are flawless, computers are likely to make mistakes because they are extensions of the human brain. (paras1-5) II. Human fallibility may be a unique human gift and it is the source of new inventions. ( paras 6-13) III. Computer mistakes should not be bemoaned as they can ultimately be used to improve human life.( para14) appeals for n. [C] urgent request for something important such as money or help, esp. to help some in a bad situation appeals for aid There have been lots of appeals for a cease-fire in the Mid-east for the past few years. The boss ignored the employees’ appeals for a pay-raise and thus caused the strike. besides adv. used to emphasize an additional point that one is making, esp. one that is considered to be important I’ve had job offers from two firms of international lawyers and plenty more besides. We captured ten enemy soldiers and many weapons besides. choke v. fill completely, jam The center of the city was chocked with cars. The smoke from the stove almost choked me. equivalent adj. equal, as in value, force, or meaning He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars. a wish that was equivalent to a command n. sth that has the same use or function as sth else Some American words have no British equivalent. embed v. fix firmly in a surrounding mass Racist ideas had been deeply embedded in some people’s min


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