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美国文学 美国文学史上的5个阶段 一、The Literature before the Revolution of Independence 独立革命之前的文学 二、The Literature around the Revolution of Independence 独立革命时期的文学 三、American Romanticism 美国浪漫主义文学 四、American Realism 美国现实主义文学 五、American Literature of the 20th Century 二十世纪美国文学 1. Colonial Beginnings: Puritan thoughts 2. The Birth of a Nation: political journalism; Benjamin Franklin; Thomas Paine; Thomas Jefferson; Declaration of Independence 3. The Rise of a National Literature: the “Knickerbocker era”; In the early the 19th century, New York City was the center of American writing. Its writers were called “Knickerbocker”,and the period from 1810 to 1840 is called the the “Knickerbocker era”of American literature. Washington Irving; James Fenimore Cooper; William Cullen Bryant 4. An American Renaissance: the movement westwards; the “new spiritual era”; the Transcendentalists; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Henry David Thoreau; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Herman Melville; Edgar Allan Poe; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 5. The Civil War and the “Gilded Age”: Walt Whitman; Harriet Beecher Stowe; Emily Dickinson; the “local color” school of realism; the “Gold Rush”; Mark Twain 6. The Era of Realism and Naturalism: the failure of the “American Dream”; William Dean Howells; Stephen Crane; Henry James 7. At the Turn of the Century: some new philosophies; Jack London; the “Progressive era” and the “Muckraker era”; Upton Sinclair; O. Henry 8. The Turning Point of American Literature: Van Wyck Brooks and the period of “self-criticism”; Edith Wharton and the theme of dishonesty; Theodore Dreiser and the theme of purposelessness in life 9. Poetry from 1900 through the 1930s: Edwin Arlin


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