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Lesson 3 Teachers Ⅰ.短语填空 根据汉语提示,完成下列短语 1.set________     引爆 2.________up to 总计 3.________about 考虑 4.give________ 放弃 5.a________of books 几本书 6.________...into 把……转变成 7.________confidence 缺乏信心 8.be________of 充满 9.ask for one’s________ 征求意见 10.have________to 有做某事的权利 答案: 1.off 2.add 3.think 4.up 5.couple 6.turn 7.lack 8.full 9.opinion 10.access Ⅱ.语法初试 11.His failure in the experiment suggested that he________his teacher’s proper instructions. A.should not have followed     B.should not follow C.mustn’t have followed D.hadn’t followed 答案: D 12.It was ordered that smoking________in the library. A.wasn’t allowed B.not be allowed C.wouldn’t be allowed D.had been allowed 答案: B 13.How I wish every one________a large house with a beautiful garden! A.has B.had C.will have D.had had 答案: B 14.He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he________it differently. A.could express B.would express C.could have expressed D.must have expressed 答案: C 15.The doctor recommended that you________swim after eating a large meal. A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 解析: 本题考查虚拟语气用法。recommend的宾语从句中用虚拟语气,即(should+)v.。 答案: D He used to explain things with lots of practical examples and simplified things that seemed difficult.(教材P40)他总是通过许多实实在在的例子来讲解知识,使看来难懂的事物简单化。 归纳 simplify vt.简化,使简易 ①You should simplify your life.你应该简化你的生活。 ②Try to simplify your explanation for the children. 尽量把你的解释说得简单些,好让孩子们听懂。 ③The application forms have now been simplified. 申请表格现在简化了。 拓展 simple adj.简单的 simplification n.简化 simply adv.简单地;只不过 ④The old couple live a simple life. 这对老夫妇过着简朴的生活。 ⑤Is success simply a matter of working hard? 是否只要勤奋就能成功? 应用 1.Running a company is not________a matter of hiring people—they also need to be trained. A.simply        B.partly C.seriously D.equally 答案: A I remember that he let me pour some powder into the rocket and then another student lit a flame to set it off.(教材P40)我还记得他让我把一些火药倒入火箭,然后另一个学生点火使火箭发射出去。 归纳 set off出


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